Chapter 40 ✔️

Start from the beginning

I can't wait that long.

Grabbing a coat and the little box I head back down stairs and out of the front door. I start making my way over to where the pond is. I can only imagine how beautiful it must be at night with all the lights from the garden.

Once I've reached the pond I wait a few minutes to take in the view in front of me. It's cold and there are ducks running around but it's still a beautiful scenery.

Finally I take hold of the box again and start to loosen the red bow that is wrapped around it. Slowly I open the little box. Inside the little box is a silver charm bracelet with 5 charms attached to it. The first thing that comes to my mind is that the bracelet looks really expensive. It's Tyler, what else can you expect from him?

I take hold of the charm bracelet. I notice ingravings on the charms. My eyes move over to the first charm. I only know it's the first one because it is indicated by a number one on the back of the charm. The charm next to it is indicated as number two and so it goes on till number five. Turning the first charm around I squint my eyes to get a clearer look on what is ingraved on it.

August ~ I met you.

That's kind of strange to ingrave on a charm. Nonetheless I squint my eyes and look at the second charm.

September ~ I want you.

Still don't know where this is going but let's give the guy a chance. I squint my eyes and look at the third charm.

October ~ I got you. in a relationship? From what I remeber we aren't dating. He could just refer to the kiss we shared on Halloween. Taking in a deep breath in I squint my eyes again and look at the fourth charm.

November ~ I saw your demons.

That's the month where he found out about Maddie. It feels like it happened months ago meanwhile it was only last month. Holding in my breath I squint my eyes again and focus on the last charm.

December ~ I fell in -

Suddenly a duck bumps into me causing me to loose my balance due from the shock and falling forward. The charm bracelet managed to fly out of my hand and landed a few feet away from me.

It's as if the duck who bumped into me knew that I desperately wanted to read that last charm because all of the sudden it charges towards the bracelet and picks it up with it's beak.

" What in the hell?" I wonder out loud.

I make a move to reach for the bracelet but the duck starts moving its wings to block me from nearing him and before I know it the duck is in the water with my bracelet still hanging out of its beak.

" Oh hell no. Not tonight ducky!" I cry out as I take off my coat in a matter of seconds and before even thinking about it I make a run for the pond.

Probably not my best idea seeing as it's freezing cold and I'm in a gown.

I'm not letting that duck take away my bracelet that may or may not declare Tyler's feelings for me.

I need to know what's ingraved on that last charm. He could have said ' I fell head over heels' or ' I fell for someone else' but that damn duck just had to come and ruin the moment.

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