Uh huh... oh no...

"Tonight's meal will be a steak dinner. You'll be making fifty servings each."

This school is just torture. I had the urge to leave right now but I can't, so I just stood there frozen while everyone yelled. I'm so tired I want to cry...

"Once you've made your fifty plates, go ahead and cook your own meal." My jaw dropped at the man's sudden statement.

Yuki! You lied! I thought this hotel would be luxurious and heaven-like... but instead we are making 50 meals for freaking bodybuilders!

Ahem but anyways... let me not freak out too much. When the going gets tough, you get tougher! Or whatever that quote was...

So I can't back down now!

"Incidentally, while you're here, you'll be making your own breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. Keep that in mind."

Is it okay if I break down and cry right now? Is that okay? And what is that cracking noise.. it's coming from Yuki! Is that... is that the sound of her heart breaking in half?

"There's one more thing. Anyone who can't complete their dishes in an hour will be summarily expelled. Begin!"

Everyone began to run and I just stood there not moving at all. They can't force me to do this! I have free will!

And at point I am numb. I am no more. I am not moving. I am still. I am frozen. I am-

Being dragged by Soma!


I was frantically cooking as all I heard around me was yelling and sizzling. I had already finished 39 servings and I was sweating like a pig.

Soma had just finished his 50 servings? I glared and pouted looking over at him spitefully. How could he finish before me..

I could hear the blonde Aldini brother yelling nonsense to Soma before he got reprimanded. Ok, now all I need is 11 more servings to do..

"Well, I'll be in Marui's room." Soma said waving us off.

"You don't have to! I was thinking of going to bed early tonight!" Marui shouted back at him before being interrupted by all the screaming bodybuilders.

I could notice Soma's eyes flicker to me and I glared in response. His lips curled into a smirk and I swear he mouthed to me, "I finished before you haha."

I rolled my eyes and turned away from him, focusing on my cooking. I could hear his quiet snickers in the background making me roll my eyes subconsciously again.


Luckily, I had finished all of my servings on time. I had took a bath with the others and we were just hanging out in the hotel room.

It was pretty nice. Yuki was wiggling all over the bed and laughing in glee. I don't know don't call me on this, but I think Yuki might like the hotel room.

"Yuki, that's undignified." Ryoko started, giving Yuki a raised eyebrow, "I know you're happy, but still."

A quiet mumble made me turn my head and oh my- There was Marui who looked like a skeleton!

I fell onto the bed with a tiny yell out of fear. He scared the heck out of me. Megumi walked over and sat next to me.

"Oh, Marui-kun, have you gotten a little skinnier?" Ryoko questioned but it seemed more like a statement. He was shaking and there was this dark aura around him that gave me goosebumps.

// Yukihira Soma x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now