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"Overnight training?" Soma questioned looking down at the pamphlets before us. I sighed and crossed my arms.

"It's that time, huh?" Yuki said and I looked at her, my eyebrows knitted in confusion. What time are we exactly talking about?

He opened it and I bent down to his shoulders to get a better view. I noticed Ryoko walk closer to the table.

"We had them in elementary and middle school, right? A school outing where we stayed in the woods a few days." Ryoko said and I was still a little confused.

"Huh? So this school even has those kind of events. And? Why are you shivering, Tadakoro?" Soma commented. I looked over to Megumi and she looked like she was spazzing out.

"Because this "training camp" is the first hell that students who have entered the high school division face." Zenji explaining, looking at us in a serious way. My expression softed at hearing his words. The first hell?

Oh no.

"All the first-year students stay out in the mountains, and are subjected to daily brutal tests of cooking. If you don't pass, you'll be told to leave the academy right then and there! They say it's "in the spirit of friendship," but the truth is.. this training is in the spirit of mercilessness and failure!" Yuki announced.

I gulped feeling my soul leave my body. What do you mean mercilessness and failure? I took a deep breath and tried to stop myself from getting worried. No matter what I can succeed!

"This us Tohtsuki's competitive education. In the words of the principal, this is when the process to find the best of the best truly begins." Isshiki-senpai explained.

I fumbled with the side of my shirt, feeling my anxiousness rise. I am fine... gosh my throat is dry... I need water. Sigh... I miss tea.

I walked over to kitchen and grabbed a cup, filling it with water. I walked back over with my cup in my hand.

"Isshiki-senpai, you went to that training camp last year too, didn't you?"

"Yes, of course. Even back then, dozens of students were forced to leave and then expelled." Isshiki responded.


"At one camp a few years ago, apparently they got rid of more than half the students." Ibusaki said, and once again I felt my soul leave my body. This school is just taking away my will to live...

Megumi, pale and flushed, fell to the floor catching me offguard. I spilled my water all on Soma's jacket.

"Megumi?" Yuki exclaimed.

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