hell no!(13th)

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The last installment of the jealous trope. It will have smut,why? Coz I'm horny for 13th rn.  Also u can either be a bi/pan gal in love with all the doctors and a lesbian gal in love with just 13th and ruth. She's just...perfect.*heart eyes* this is also kinda a top!13th fic,so...

Also heavy smut warning..like tieing up and stuff...this ish kinky as hell so yeah Imma put *** for warning If any of y'all wanna skip, although I dont think y'all will. Anyhoo.

Doctor's pov:

y/n has been getting pretty close to ryan lately.  I suppose it's alright considering I'm close with yaz too. But I'm not as close with yaz as she is with ryan.

They're always hugging and...high fiving and...just being close in general. Which I dont like, don't like at all.

Me and y/n are in a loving relationship. We try to take time and go on dates and I love her and she says she loves me.

She loved me even when I was a white haired scotsman. Even now she loves me and I can't be more grateful. ( if you're a lesbo,ignore this para if u want. No probs)

I just know that she loves me...she does...doesn't she?

I'm starting to doubt that nowadays. There's no absolute reason for them to be as close they are right now.

Yesterday, I was driving the tardis a little roughly and y/n didn't get to hold properly and was gonna fall, ryan, seems normal nowadays,  caught her with his one arm on her waist.

"Didn't know you were so strong ryan.." y/n giggled.

Is that flirting...its flirting right? Isnt it?

I'm supposed to flirt with her.
not him.

Then on our last adventure..on Ryan's request, we went on a space bar, and there was this drunk man trying to drug y/n and sleep with her. He wouldn't take her no for a reply.

Before I could come help her, he came in quickly and said that she was his girlfriend and saved the day.

"Thanks ryan, I could've handled it myself but it's better when people help" y/n said with a giddy smile on her face.

I'm supposed to save her..to protect her..to love her. She's my girlfriend.

Like right now,they're sitting on the steps and talking in whispers while ryan is showing something to her from his mobile phone.

They're all giggles and smiles and...and...I'm supposed to make her smile! Not him! Not yaz! Not anyone!

Not anymore. We're drifting in space right now, after a long adventure. Yaz and ryan are always trying to understand if me and y/n are together or not.

They're always speculating and teasing us. We haven't done any public display of affection yet apart from hugs.

It was funny before, now I think he wants to know so he can claim her, take my y/n away from me.



That's not happening. I've been standing on the side, breathing heavily,looking at ryan and y/n talking and sitting...so close and laughing and whispering.

No no no no. Not on my watch.

I can feel yaz and Graham's confused eyes on me.

Suddenly I hear y/n laugh, loudly.

I can't..not anymore.

I walk up to them with confident steps and pull y/n up by her her hand.

"Oh my god ryan..wait what?! Doctor! What's going on? Umph"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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