(Y/n)- "shut UP!!"

I punched the mirror and it shattered. But I also managed to punch through the wall behind it. I was at my boiling point....and it could feel that I was. I took a deep breath to try to calm myself down and then looked at my hand. Shards of the mirror still lodged into my knuckle. I sighed.

(Y/n)- "I suppose it can't be helped. Azarath metrion zinthos."

A white aura surrounded my hand and the broken mirror. The hole in the wall got fixed and the mirror was fixed as well. I stared at my own reflection.

(Y/n)- "fixed a broken mirror and yet I still the have the horrible misfortune of staring at my own reflection."

Hours later

It was 7 am and I got dressed more stylish sense. Needless to say, I wasn't about to wear a damn suit.

Alfred- "well it doesn't look half bad on you. Though you might want to take off the trench co-"

(Y/n)- "only the sweater comes off. Trench coat and pants stays."

Alfred- "very well. Butwhat about that bandaged hand of yours. I thought you could heal."

(Y/n)- "I can. I'm not covering it because of an injury."

Alfred- "might I ask why then?"

I sighed.

(Y/n)- "for my own good."

Alfred- "would you prefer a glove instead?"

(Y/n)- "yeah....maybe."

Alfred- "very well then. I have your original clothing here. Lucius recreated it as best he could and well....it was the best he could do."

He handed them to me folded, and I met up with Bruce, Dina, and Tim.

Dina- "well well, haven't seen you look this good in years."

(Y/n)- "charming. But it's not all that great. Wasn't there a third one of you?"

Bruce- "Jane's not exactly a team player. She goes off by herself a lot."

(Y/n)- "interesting. Well I'll be off now."

Bruce- "you need a ride?"

(Y/n)- "nah. A lots changed since I'd left. For example."

3rd POV

Out from his back sprouted two white wings.

Dina and Tim looked in awe while Bruce looked just the slightest bit impressed

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Dina and Tim looked in awe while Bruce looked just the slightest bit impressed.

(Y/n)- "I'll see you guys later. Come on Krypto."

Krypto- *bark bark*

Later to Cindy

Cindy- "nice to see that you're the one cooking today."

Damian- "you and Rachel work hard enough. I thought that it would be a good for me to help around."

Cindy- "just don't burn the tower down."

Damian- "what? Don't trust me?"

Cindy- "maybe."

His arms slither around my waist and he pressed his lips against mine.

Moriah- "eww!"

The two of us laughed.

Cindy- "why don't you find a new place to work then?"

Moriah- "gladly."

She left the kitchen leaving us two alone. Damian lifted me up and set me down if the counter, passionately kissing me. My hands now behind his head to make sure we don't separate.

To (Y/n)

(Y/n)- "two minutes. That's a new record."

I said to myself with a smile on my face. I bought flowers to surprise the team though it seemed pretty cheesy. But I hadn't socialized in a long, long loooooooong time so I didn't really know what to bring. Strangely enough, I wasn't even nervous. It was like I was devoid of any worry. I mean, what's the worst that could happen. The elevator hit the floor top and the doors opened.

(Y/n)- "I probably should've planned that better. Ah hell who cares?"

No one was in the living room. The tower was surprisingly quiet....

Thoughts- 'maybe another crime alert? I wouldn't be surprised.'

I walked right out and decided to take a look around. Krypto's ears perked up and he walked toward the kitchen. I followed and him. When I made it to the kitchen......I......I couldn't describe what I saw.

(Y/n)- "C-Cindy....."

I'd dropped the flowers. She opened her eyes and looked to me and they instantly widened. She got off the counter alerting....Damian? I think his name was. That wasn't really important.

Cindy- "(Y/n)....."


('Said it would hurt....it hurt because I cut it off....and I don't have a consistent update schedule anymore so there's that.............

Can someone email me food? I don't care if that's not how it works.')

Bye bye

My kryptonian daughter part 2Where stories live. Discover now