Chapter 7

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AN: Hey guys. I just want to apologize for not uploading to this story in a month. I just started my senior year, and am going to be extremely busy, so I'm lucky to put out a chapter a week total for both my stories. I'm trying to upload, but I'm swamped with work, and I really need to focus on it, so my stories will temporarily be taking a backseat. I will still upload, but just not as frequently. Also, I'm sorry about this, but this story will probably just go over the first season of Arrow. I might do a chapter that recaps the rest of the seasons, but I'm not sure. I'm going to college next year, and I doubt I'll have time to continue writing, and I want to develop my Percy Jackson story and actually complete it. Anyways, I hope you guys understand, and please enjoy!


Percy sensed as Lawton put down his guns, but Lawton quickly fired off a few rounds, and Percy grabbed an arrow and fired it quickly where he sensed Lawton to be, and quickly hid behind the pillar. When he heard a body fall to the ground, he came out and saw Lawton with an arrow through his right eye.

However, Percy turned around, and saw a bloody John Diggle with a stray bullet in him. "Skatá," he swore as he grabbed Diggle and vapor travelled back to his base.

When they got there, Percy lay Diggle down on the table, and using the herbs from Lian Yu combined with his powers given to him by Hestia, he slowly began to rid Diggle of the poison.

After a while, Percy changed back into Oliver, and started to train, when he sensed John waking up, he went back to the computers across from the table, and watched his bodyguard struggle to sit up and gain his bearings.

He watched as Diggle slowly sat up and looked at him, his eyes widening. "Hey Dig," he said.


Diggle slowly got to his feet. "You're that vigilante," Diggle said in disbelief. He suddenly came forward and tried to hit Percy with a right hook, which he easily dodged due to Diggle's weakened state.

"Easy Diggle, you were poisoned," Percy said.

"Son of a bitch," Diggle said, going at Percy again, but this time Percy caught his fist and softly pushed him away from him.

As John took in his surroundings, Percy sighed. "I could have taken you anywhere, John. I could have taken you home, to Carly, to anyone. Instead, I took you here."

"You really did lose your mind on that island," Diggle said, causing Percy to sigh.

"Believe me, I lost it much earlier than that," Percy muttered under his breath. "I didn't lose my mind, but I did find a couple of things," he said in his normal voice.

"Like what, archery classes?" Diggle said.

Percy smirked. "Yes, and clarity," he said, stepping up to Diggle. "Starling is dying. It's being poisoned by a criminal elite who don't care about their surroundings and how they affect others. They just care about their power," he said softly, his mind taking him back to his time as just Percy Jackson, where the biggest egomaniac he had to worry about was Zeus, who would never kill him.

"And what you gonna do? Take them out by yourself?" Diggle asked.

Percy chuckled. "It's worked so far, but not anymore. I want you to join me," he said firmly, causing Diggle to look around. "You're ex Special Forces. You're a fellow soldier."

"Oliver you aren't a soldier. You're a criminal, and a murderer," Diggle exclaimed.

Percy looked into Diggle's eyes. "You don't know anything about me," he said calmly, watching Diggle take one last look at him before leaving the basement.

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