I continued teleporting and slashing at him quickly so he couldn't react in time. He was on the ground with cuts all over him and worn out from me attacking him. I then stood in front of him.

*Pants* "Not too shabby, but I was only holding back though."

"Don't bullshit me, you weren't."

"No I was, now let me show you my true power!" He said slowly standing up.

He took his tank top off, and flexed his muscles downwards. He was grunting until spikes came out of his whole body.

"What!?" I say in shock.

He grins widely. "If you didn't figure it out, my quirk allows me to cover my whole body with spikes, which I can also use to fight. I'm also able to shoot spikes out of my body and control them, which you saw earlier."

If I can't beat this guy, then I'm screwed.

"You ready to die!?!" He yells shooting a bunch of spikes at me from his body.

I teleported again and tried to attack him from behind again but spikes shot out from his back, impaling my right arm, making me drop my sword.

"Aaaaaah!" I yelled as blood leaked out.

"Hahahaha! Not so tough now are ya?"

He turned and threw a punch at me but I teleported again and tried to attack him but he impaled me again, this time through the left side of my chest.

"Give up! You can't beat me!"

I teleported one more time, this time above him but spikes came out the top of his shoulders, impaling my whole body, causing me to fall to the ground again. I was done for, blood was leaking out of my torso, chest, etc. He walked over to me with a big stupid smirk on his face.

"Huh, most people would be dead by now but I'm surprised you're still alive. I'll admit you're the first and only person I've ever fought that put up a decent fight against me. And as a reward for your efforts, I'll put you out of your misery."

My body had been impaled with spikes all over, I couldn't move one bit. He aimed his hand over my head. This is goodbye Toga, I'm sorry. Tears we're falling out of my eyes now.

Toga POV:

I had completed my mission and I walked into an alleyway to take a shortcut home. My phone began to ring. I was also transforming back to myself. I answered the phone and it was Mr. Compress who had called me.

"It's about time you picked up, where are you right now? Toga?"

"I had the most wonderful fun today."

"Don't get so lost in your role that you slip up, there's too much at stake to get caught."

"Oh don't worry, I've never been caught in my life, not even close, and my mission was a success! Tomura is gonna be so happy!" I pulled out a vial with a drop of blood in it. "I managed to get some of Izuku's yummy blood!" I said staring at it lustfully.

"That's fantastic! Anyways please come to the warehouse to give Shigaraki what he wants."

"Ok bye Compress!"

I hung up and kept walking until I came across two people but it was hard for me to see them. When I got closer, I saw some random guy standing over (Y/N) who was badly injured. My heart dropped when I saw him like that.

"(Y/N) no!"

(Y/N) POV:

Toga had just shown up in the alleyway, with the Shiketsu outfit that she stole on and a scared look on her face. What was she doing here?

"Huh, who the hell are you?" He asked her.

"Toga...get...out of here."

"Get off of him!" She yelled.

"Toga? Wait you're that psycho that has killed a lot of people! I like you, why don't you come with me after I finish him off?"

"I'll never be with someone like you!"

She took out a knife and threw it at him but he just blocked it with some spikes.

"Hmph, so be it. I'll kill you both right here starting with her" He said aiming his hand at her.

"Don't you dare hurt her!"

"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about?" He said putting his boot on my head. "Your weak ass can't do anything now, you're pathetic!"

"Stop it!" She said about to cry.

My eyes then glow my signature red color. I pushed his leg off me, got up, punched him in the face and threw him against the wall. An aura surrounded me now as my wounds started to heal and the spikes fell out.

"Know this..." I said as rage consumed me. "If you ever and I mean ever lay a finger on her.....I'll fucking kill you, you hear me?!?" I said as my voice changed during that last line.


He then got up and noticed my eye color.

He wiped the blood from his mouth. "I don't know what the hell you are, but don't think you're gonna beat me now with some little power-up!" He aimed his hand up in the air and shot spikes.

He controlled them, aiming them at Toga. He made them shoot at her and I teleported in front of her, letting the spikes impale me again, to prevent them from hurting her.

"Be careful!" She said with a worried look.

"Alright that's the last straw!" I say getting up.

The spikes fell out of my back as I regenerated again and I transformed into my demon form, which surprised Toga and that guy.

I turned around and pointed at him. "I told you not to hurt her, now you're gonna die!" I said with a creepy smile.

He started to walk backwards in fear as he shot spikes at me. I just knocked them away which made him more scared, causing him to run away. I spread my wings and flew above him which made the guy scream in terror. I swooped down and picked up him by the neck, making him choke. I flew up very high and then stared into his soul with the same smile on my face.

"You don't need to this. I'll leave you alone. Whatever you want. Please. I'll leave Japan. Never show my face again. Anywhere you want! I'll go anywhere!"

I brought his face closer to mine. "How about you go to hell!"

I pop out each of my claws, then pierce through his stomach making him cough up blood. I pulled my arm out and dropped him from a very high distance, while he screamed on the way down. He hit the ground and his body parts and blood splattered everywhere.

"Say hi to Dad for me."

I flew back down and landed. I started to giggle which turned into laughter at what I just did but it ends when I threw up a very large puddle of blood.


I transformed back and I was about to fall due to fatigue but Toga caught me from behind.

"I guess the drawbacks are still here" I whispered.

"It's ok (Y/N), no need to worry about it now" She said pulling me to the ground to sit.

"You're not afraid of my demon form?"

"Of course not, why would I be? It was amazing."

"I'm glad you thought so" I said smiling.

I then passed out in her lap a few minutes later as it was getting darker now.

A/N: This is probably the most violent chapter I've written so far.

Blood and Bruises (Himiko Toga x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now