Chapter 6 - Summer Nights

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As the weather after the storm was continually sweltering so Mike had planned a trip for them all down to one of the beaches nearby so that they didn't get sick of the heat inside of the big old house.

Everyone was abuzz with the news, not only was it a chance to get out of the house and go somewhere new for a change, it was also a chance to meet a bunch of other kids their ages, which was an opportunity they never really got outside of school. But, even at school, they didn't make many friends as some kids tended to avoid them as they are in care – but they tried not to let it get them down.

Carmen, Lily and Tee were particularly excited, which meant that they decided to include Ophelia in the whole thing, and the girl wouldn't deny that their excitement wasn't rubbing off on her. The girls had raided all of their wardrobe's combined to make sure that they all had outfits that each of them approved of, the girls all easily found what they wanted to wear for the day except for Ophelia, who the others were struggling with.

When it came down to a couple of hours before they left, Ophelia still had no clue about what she would be wearing, and this led to the girls marching into her room and pouring everything out of her wardrobe. Carmen tipped out all of Ophelia's swimsuits, Tee looked through a beach over to go over it and Lily looked for accessories. Luckily, the purple marks that Liam gave Ophelia on her collarbones had faded enough that they were hardly noticeable anymore unless someone was really looking.

The outfit that Ophelia ended up with was a black bikini, the top part went around the back of her neck and there was a separate piece of black fabric attached to it that rested slightly below and the bottom part had a piece of the same black fabric attached just over the top of the bottom this time. Luckily, it was one of Ophelia's preferred swimsuits even though she hadn't had a chance to properly wear it yet, but she was excited to try it. To cover the bikini until they got to the beach, Ophelia was handed a very long salmon coloured shirt and a black pair of shorts. The girl left her long blonde hair naturally curly instead of straightening it, and just let it flow down to her mid back, although she brought a hairband with her just in case.

Lily had selected a pair of black sandals, a white bucket hat and a pair of black sunglasses for her to wear, Lily was mostly just chuffed that she had the easiest job out of all of the girls.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Carmen squealed as she helped everyone put clothes back into Ophelia's wardrobe. "I cannot wait, the sun, the sand the sea!"

Tee laughed, "better to make sure to get some sun cream or we will all be burnt."

"Best do that before we get into the van." Lily said as she leant against the door, which was constantly hanging open to try and get some cool air flowing through the house. "But not before breakfast otherwise we will stink of it."

"Good plan." Ophelia said as she shut her wardrobe door and made sure that everything was back in its place and not strewn across the floor.

All of the girls left Ophelia's room and headed down the stairs towards the kitchen, there was an impressive amount of noise in the house, even more so than usual with all of the excitement. Gus was furiously scribbling away in his notebook; he already had an agenda for himself planned out for the day but was trying to get what everyone else was planning on doing too but nobody was really sure. Tyler was the only one that humoured Gus and gave him a general outline on what it was likely that people would be doing, walking down to all of the shops, playing on the beach, playing in the sea and generally having fun to try and escape the oppressive heat.

When they reached the kitchen, Tracy said a good morning to them and told them to grab a few things to place onto the table, Ophelia grabbed a big platter of drinks and carefully took it over to the table. The drinks all wobbled a little bit, but they made it safely to the table. Luckily.

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