"Awl geez. Stop it with the sappy stuff. Your embarrassing me." Kokichi lied, but he was very happy.

"It was fun. Let's play again Kokichi." Chiaki beamed.

"Absolutely! Two truths and a lie is my favorite game!" Kokichi laughed.

"I'll be hanging out with our friends now. Please tell Izuru I said welcome back!" Chiaki beamed and leaves.

"Nishinishi now that she's gone we can compare dick sizes now." Kokichi beamed.

"Not even your wildest dreams!" Hajime refused.

"Kokichi I seem to remember you wanting to ask about dating advice. Shall we discuss that instead?" Nagito asked.

"Hmmm.... okay." Kokichi nodded, "Being with you guys definitely help. I've hardly thought about stupid detective face at all." Kokichi explains.

"Hmmm...." Hajime is trying to see if it's a lie or not.

"I see. I glad your enjoying yourself here. So does that mean you've decided to let Shuichi go?" Nagito asked worriedly.

"No... not yet..." Kokichi sighed.

"Well what you like about him. Let's start with him. What makes him stand out from the others?" Hajime asked.

"Shuichi is fun! Being a detective he can see through some of my lies better than the others, but not all of them. It's a like a challenge for me. Me verses Shuichi. Who will will the game of truth verses lies." Kokichi looks at the floor and frowned.

"I see. The others get easily fooled by your lies, but not Shuichi. Therefore not only does he understand you better. But he can see what your truly trying to do or say." Nagito nodded, "So does that mean you can't see yourself being truly happy with the others?" Nagito asked.

"Keebo is fun to tease, but it's like dating a toaster. It's bit uncomfortable and weird for my taste." Kokichi snickered at his own joke.

"I'm guessing this Keebo was the robot guy we saw." Hajime explains.

"And you said Ultimate Robots don't exist." Nagito tells him.

"I was wrong okay!" Hajime blushed.

"What about the other one?" Nagito asked.

"Hmm... Rantaro feels more like a bro than... well... someone I'd want to be my boyfriend." Kokichi turns red, "He's just too pure like Hajime." Kokichi explains.

"Pure is fun though. Hehe." Nagito kissed Hajime's cheek.

"Thanks." Hajime felt so shy.

"Besides. I'm pretty sure Rantaro idea of a date is hiking five miles into a jungle. No thank you." Kokichi turns three shades of purple.

"Hmmm sounds like he's a freak in bed though." Nagito nodded.

"Nani?!?" Hajime turns red.

"The adventurous type are always freaky in bed." Nagito explains.

"Oh I see. Komaeda is the freaky type too." Kokichi gushed.

"Please stop. Let's stay focused." Hajime thinks he's face is going to explode from embarrassment.

"I'm not that physical. And as much as I want to know if Ultimate Robots have dicks. I don't think that be very comfortable... plus... what if there's no where for me to insert my dick in. I can't just always be the submissive one. I've got pride you know." Kokichi blushed.

"I see. All important questions when trying to decide a mate." Nagito agreed.

"Well is there anyone else?" Hajime offered.

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