Chapter 7 (Time Have changed)

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"You don't scare me!" my mother screamed at me yet I could feel the fear rising in her.

"Oh I don't? I should, you are no mother, just watch who she will be with. If she cries when I hold her then she goes with you but if she cries with you she stays home with me and you must leave never to return." I said as I started to turn around and walk out the door through the hall to the steps.


We went down the steps and I saw Bobby and he was packing a bag for my sister and me. I asked him kindly to hand Lisa to me and he did. Her tiny hands wrapped around my neck pulling her closer to me. She stopped her distressed crying and started to fall asleep. I then looked at my mother and handed the now almost asleep Lisa to her. She scooped her up holding her completely wrong on her back and Olivia started up again her distressed crying. She was screaming and yelling. She would not hold still and kept trying to get back into my arms.

"Why won't you trust me when I tell you that she won't go with you. You left us alone! She knows and loves me for I have devoted my life to her. Now get out of MY house!" I both cried and screamed at my mother.

"I will get her back. You won't know when but I will be back for my ONLY daughter!" with that my mother handed Lisa to Bobby and ran out of the house.

I looked Bobby and told him that I would call him and I promised to tell him everything. (That task alone wold be very painful and hard for me.) He said ok and agreed to let me walk him to his car. He gave me a kiss and gave me back Lisa and helped steady her tiny little head as she now had fallen asleep. I said my good byes,  gave him one last kiss as he stepped into his car and watched him drive off. I waited until I could not see him anymore to dash into the forest back to the village. I ran as fast as i could while staying steady and keeping Lisa out of harms way and asleep. I was running so fast however that I almost hit the door to the mansion that my dad had held opened for me. I slowed down and ended up just an inch away from the wall.

"Ok father should I even ask what is going on?" I said as I rounded my father with Lisa  still fast asleep in my arms.

"This is will a long story. Take a seat." I walked about 4 feet over to the couch in the room and pulled the light purple and gold blanket over Lisa so she could continue her peaceful care free sleep. "This all started about the time I left 1 year and 6 months ago. We were living in the house... I guess its your house now, it was one of those weekends that you and your mom were off shopping or doing what ever you girls did when you left. Only me and Lisa were home, it was hot in the house so I opened all the windows in the house for the night. I opened all but Lisa's window, It was night. Of course I had heard the rumors of the "walkers" and being blinded and all that but just as you did I didn't think to worry. That night while I was asleep I heard Lisa's crying and stood to go to her room but found I could not see anything. That is when I knew, I had been blinded. Now not all of us need to stick around and explain whats going on, in fact none of us need to stay. I stayed and helped you cause I am your father and I feel as though you are the one that we have needed. Anyways back to my story. When you and your mother got back I had just gained my eye sight back yet unlike you my eyes were normal. I told your mother what had happened and the new things I could do. Thinking she would respond and either be happy or at least supportive I told her everything, yet I only came to find out that your mother did not love me or think like I did about these new things. In fact that night she packed a bag for me and sent me into the forrest, she told me she didn't care if I froze that i could and should use my "powers" to protect myself. As you can probably guess I came across this house and this town. There were two people standing at the edge and they welcomed me and told me that through me would come our queen... I guess that they were right." My father ended his story with a tear and a very weak smile. His story hurt me in the very core of my heart. All these years I thought he just left all of us without a thought or care and it was really my moms doing.

"Well me and Lisa are here now. No more missing out, and by the way had you told me this at first or even before today... I would not have believed you." I said as I picked Lisa and handed her over to my, our, father. "Here. You put her to bed. Im going to go back to the house. I leave her in your trusting care." With those words said I was off.

When I got through the village and the forest and finally came to my home I felt a little off. It felt as though I did not really belong here anymore. I knew that was silly and stupid but it was just a feeling. Yet ignorantly I ignored my gut feeling and walked into my home. Upon entering I heard a light breathing coming from the living room. I had to find out who was in my home, sure enough when I walked into the living room there sat Bobby. Based on his body language he was mad in fact he was scared and mad at the same time and it was all toward me.

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