Sorry Book Check

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I sorta am having a hard time figuring out another one shot here is a book i want to write on wattpad what do you think


You ever had one of those days when you just hate being alone, but when someone tries to be near you you hate it. That was the kind of day I was having. I had those almost everyday now and the friends I had can't confort me . Small things are bothering me, things I found funny are pushing my limits.

The weirdest thing thought is that my hearing has improved. Nothing has passed me since last Tuesday.

"Evianna, hello" Mya kept waving her hand over my face" Earth To Evianna" She waved her hand over my face again.

"If you don't answer me I am going to have to smack you." She counted to three and then went to hit me, but I grabbed her hand.

"Do.Not.Call.Me .Evianna" I put her hand down and continued listing to my music.Mya sat down next to me and she started talking.

"You know you have to come back to earth at sometime." I looked over at her my best leave-me-alone-before-i-smack-you look.

"I will as soon as androids take over and Andrei is the smartest guy in school" She took a big sigh. Mya and I had been friends since 5th grade and we were both antisocial, but Mya is more sociable than me.

"Evianna I need you to read this book." She handed me a book and I had already it.

"Already read it remember I recommend it to you." She let out a big sigh like i had told her that for the fith time today when really it was the secand time.

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