Matsuoka Rin: Mirai

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  "Rin!" You called from before the stove in the kitchen, ladle in one hand and baby in the other. "Matsuoka!"

"I'm here." Rin appeared at the kitchen doorway an caught its cross-beam, leaning in.

You smiled wryly on seeing how tired he looked. "Have you at least asked for a break?"

"Ah. Manager gave me a week but I don't think I'll be using all of it." He replied.

With a little noise, the little babbling boy in your hand squirmed and reached to your other hand. You adjusted him and looked at your husband apologetically. "Sorry for asking you to do this right now but do you think you could take Kouta for a little while?"

He raised an eyebrow at you. You were the one who had shooed him away from the kitchen earlier and asked him to get some sleep earlier. Sheepishly, you adjusted Kouta on your arm again to stop him from jumping off.

"Well, he suddenly decided that he likes ladles." You offered up. "And hot vessels. And he especially likes the blue flame."

Rin laughed softly and walked over to you. "What is this, little shark? You're giving your Mama trouble? Not letting her cook?"

Your son looked at him as though evaluating what to do next, then cooed and leaned over to him with his pudgy little arms held out. Rin took the boy from you.

You let out a defeated sigh. "He's usually not so restless. He's been like this ever since you came home from England."

He grinned and bopped the little one's nose with his own. "He knows when Daddy's in the house."

"Oh, that he does." You nodded. "Keeps troubling me you're around. Why don't you just take him then? Spend some quality father-son time with him while I try to fix lunch."

"Yup." He agreed, then pulled you into a kiss by your waist before leaving the kitchen. "Let's go play, little shark."

Kouta had gotten your eyes and Rin's red hair. In almost every other way too, he had taken after his father. Junior Rin was as much a handful as Rin himself.

You returned to your cooking. The both of them needed this father-son bonding time. With all the upcoming tournaments and his strict training regimen, Rin was hardly ever home for long at a stretch. Kouta always missed him when he was away too. Even though he was attached to you as well, there was only so much that you could do to fill in for that indulgent father of his. Ever since Kouta was born, Rin too had been pushing himself really hard, determined to lead his son into a comfortable life. And despite all that, he always ensured that he would be home whenever he could be, even if only for a couple of days. However, he was never gone for more than two weeks at a time. You had wanted to move closer to where he did most of his training but work commitments and your family had compelled you to stay where you were.

From what you knew, this pressure would ease out after the coming week's tournament. He had some time before the next one. He would be home then.

Initially, you could hear Rin talking to Kouta and the little shark babbling in response but by the time that you had finished cooking, you could no longer hear anything. You decided to go check on your men and soon found them in the bedroom, the sight making you halt at the door in adoration. They were both asleep. Rin was lying on his back with an arm over Kouta who was lying on his stomach on top of Rin. There was no way of telling which one of them had fallen asleep first but their father-son bonding session had gone so well that they were even breathing in sync just then.

You went back to the kitchen and put the food away to eat later. With how little Kouta slept at night too, Rin needed every bit of the sleep that he could sleep. It was actually surprising. Kouta was not the kind to just fall asleep at this time. The way the father and son connected really amazed you at times.

You found yourself a book to read and went to the bedroom. Without disturbing them, you climbed onto bed and sat leaning against the headboard. With one hand placed gently on Rin's head and the book in the other, you began quietly reading.

A good half hour later, you heard a little coo that made you look up from the book. Kouta had woken up and he was looking around in a daze. Eventually, his eyes came to settle on his father's sleeping face. He was still for a moment, then he reached out and pat Rin's throat, which was as close to his face as the little one could reach.

"Ah." You put your book down and immediately caught the little hand. "Let Daddy sleep, Kouta." You smiled softly. "At least half an hour more."

The little boy looked at you when you spoke, his big eyes still glazed over by the sleep. Slowly, you slid the boy out from under Rin's hand, careful not to wake him. Kouta, however, did not like that. His face scrunched up immediately and he pouted, little sobs bubbling up from his throat. He had gotten too comfortable in his father's arms.

"Yosh. Yosh." You wrapped him up in your arms and cradled him against your chest. "Mommy's here."

He squirmed around a bit but he was probably still a little drowsy because he settled down eventually. Just as he was getting comfortable again though, despite all your efforts, Rin stirred. He limply patted his chest and then forced his eyes open, looking around groggily. "Kouta?"

"Here." You let out a sigh. After all that you did to avoid him waking up...

He looked at his little shark who had closed his eyes again and then looked up at your face. "(y/n)."


He let out a heavy breath and pulled himself up to rest his head in your lap, closing his eyes again. "You are..."

"I am...?" You asked, leaning in a bit to listen.

He took one of your hands and placed it on his head, letting out another heavy breath, and then went silent.

He'd fallen asleep again.

Smiling to yourself, you continued massaging his head lightly even though he had already fallen asleep. You just did not want to stop.

Rin was not quite himself when he was so tired. That made you look forward to his break after the tournament all the more. He was working so hard to chase after his dreams and you were ready to do anything in order to support him- even if it was something as trivial as stroking his head and letting him use your lap to sleep.

Just then, you were holding your entire world in your arms.   

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