Izuku: Aizawa-sensei?

Y/n: Now that I think about it, Aizawa-sensei is definitely worthy of being a hero. What am I doing get all cynical? If I'm not careful, I'll end up as a villain again.

Aizawa: He clearly recognizes the strength of an opponent who's reached this far and is on guard as a result. It's because he's doing everything in his power to win that he's refusing to let his guard down or stay his hand.

Uraraka put her hands together to use her quirk as Y/n just watched in interest. 

Y/n: I expected better from you Bakugo. Those worthless pros somehow didn't realize her strategy. She stuck low to the ground in order to limit his field of vision while gaining a smokescreen from his attacks. Meanwhile, she was able to stockpile "weapons" of her own.

Above the stadium were countless pieces of the arena floating out of sight. They began to all come crashing back down to the earth.

Present Mic: A meteor shower!!?

Aizawa: Pay more attention.

Izuku: She made such a desperately risky plan... Uraraka!!

But this plan was shattered in an instant as Bakugo took it out with one explosion.

Present Mic: He must be content with himself with that explosive showing!!! He took Uraraka's secret strategem and unreservedly crushed it!!

The two get ready to fight again but Uraraka collapses. Midnight runs to her side to check on her before calling the match.

Midnight: Uraraka is unable to move. Bakugo advances to the next round!

Uraraka is taken to recovery girl.

Present Mic: Awww, Uraraka... Uh, oh, yeah, Bakugo breaks past the first round...

Aizawa: If you're gonna do it, do it right.

Present Mic: Alright, now that I've collected myself-

Aizawa: Aren't you supposed to be an impartial judge?

Present Mic: -The first round is now over!! We'll get right back to it after a short break!

Bakugo soon shows up to the stands where the rest of Class A is.

Sero: Yo, hey, that was nearly as tough as your face is villain-y!!

Tsuyu: It was a weird matchup, but you played an amazing little heel nonetheless, Bakugo!

Bakugo: Shut up, just shut your goddamn mouths!!

Kaminari: But damn man, you're able to blast a fragile little girl with abandon. Knowing me, I'd end up not going through with it despite myself.

Bakugo just threw himself into the chair next to Y/n.

Bakugo: Hmph!! Where do you see fragile...?

Y/n: Nice match, Bakugo. It was definitely the most entertaining one so far.

Bakugo: Piss off. I don't need your congratulations.

Y/n: Haha! Come on Bakugo, don't be like that.

Bakugo: Fuck off!!

Y/n: Alright, alright.

Yaoyorozu: They seem to... get along?

The tie between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu was decided through arm wrestling which Kirishima was luckily able to win. After that is Izuku vs Todoroki which I'm not writing. Sorry, but I really want to finish this arc and move on and this chapter took me a really long time to just get started on due to lack of motivation. But that's enough excuses from me. 

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