Ten || A Happy Ending

Start from the beginning

You pick up a thick blanket that lays in the corner of the couch and drape it over Sans, who happily nuzzles into it. So adorable! You internally squeal.

With one final glance at the cute skeleton, you head upstairs to get some much-needed sleep.


Hah...who needs sleep, right? Apparently not me! For some reason my stupid brain won't. Shut. Up. I mean, I did just kiss the guy of my dreams and now I have a boyfriend and I'm SO SO happy about that!!

...Yeah, how about I go do some stargazing. I'll be up all night if I go on like this, I need a good night's rest.

You hoist yourself out of bed and rub your eyes. Adjusting your sweatpants, you shuffle over to your closet to climb up to your little rooftop sanctuary. After nearly slipping down the ladder twice, you push open the trapdoor and step onto the roof.

Once you brush the snow off of it, you plop down in the cushy beanbag chair and observe the sky with awe. The countless stars greet you with their twinkling and sparkling, you smile up at them as if they're old friends. Clasping your hands in your lap, you take in a deep breath of fresh air and absorb the nature around you.

Although it's cold out, you enjoy the stillness and tranquility of being outside. The snow has stopped falling and a glittering white blanket coats the entirety of the landscape. It glimmers on the tops of trees, shines on every blade of grass, the snow muffles the bustling noise of the world and covers it with beauty.

Your mind becomes dormant in the quiet, you shut your heavy eyelids and slow your breath that comes out in wispy clouds. At last, you feel at peace.

A soft but not unnoticeable noise reaches your ears, causing your eyes to flutter open. You twist around in your beanbag to see that the trapdoor to your roof has been opened by none other than Sans. Your cheeks immediately flush red despite the chilly weather. Even though both of you finally got your feelings across, he still makes you nervous.

"hey," He says, his hands shoved into the pockets of his hoodie.

"Hey," You reply, eyebrows raised.

Without another word, Sans steps towards you and joins you in your beanbag, wrapping an arm around you and resting his cheek against yours. You sigh and sink into him, melting like butter at his warm embrace. He turns to face you and kisses you softly, you smile into the kiss and lean closer to him.

When the two of you break away, he laces his fingers through yours and uses a bit of magic to keep your hand from freezing off.

"the stars are beautiful tonight," Sans whispers, his breath tickling the side of your face.

"Yeah," You murmur, resting your head on his shoulder, "they really are,"




"heh, your face is really warm,"

"Gee, I wonder why,"


About a month after the big night between you and Sans, the other three monsters were able to find their own places to live. Alphys and Undyne moved in together into a cute little house, the two are happier than ever. With Alphys' new job as a professor, they could live comfortably and rest easy.

Papyrus, with his flamboyant and outgoing personality, was able to get a role on some big television network...MTT is what you think Sans called it. He cooks his signature spaghetti with an interesting robot character that you can't help but enjoy watching. Even though most episodes often end with the spaghetti catching on fire and nearly burning down the studio, Papyrus seems to be having the time of his life.

He found his own place as well, according to Sans this new home looks nearly identical to their old place in the underground. He keeps saying that he needs to leave some socks in the living room to give it a "final touch", but you have no idea what he's talking about.

As for you and Sans, the two of you started living together. You both sleep in until noon every day, stay up as late as you want watching YouTube or making fun of some horrible movie. He continues making his terrible puns, you keep laughing at them and coming up with even worse ones. Some nights when it's not too cold, you'll snuggle on the rooftop and admire the stars, talking away for hours.

You were able to heal him when he thought he was untreatable, he was able to break you out of your shell and get you to go out into the world.

It sounds a bit crazy, but you could swear that the two of you are soulmates.


Hey!! You've reached the end of this story! Thank you so much for reading through to the end and thank you to those who left such kind comments, those truly made my day and inspired me to keep going!! I really hope you liked the book, let me know your thoughts in the comments! (I sound like a YouTuber lmao) <3

~the_pacifist :))

You Look Like A Million Bucks (Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now