the drakonian sinner (2)

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After a brief stop at the Elders' quarters to change into regular clothes, Reid and Chris were led to a far-off building on the south side of the compound.

The houses were smaller with faint traces of being lived in: faded marks on the walls, trinkets covered in cobwebs. Vade explained that these used to be the hatchlings' dorm up until they moved to the bigger buildings on the east side. Now it was mainly used for storage, which explained all the boxes.

Kioplie was kept in one of the four rooms on the upper floor, the furthest from the staircase. Reid raised an eyebrow when he saw the chains on the door. "Is that really necessary?"

"She attempted to escape before." Vade's expression shifted, looking a little sad as she stepped up to the chains. "After the fifth time, Valeska was put in charge of security and she prepared... well, that."

Chris sighed. "At least it's better than negare cuffs."

"Oh, she tried using those, but apparently they didn't work." Vade swiftly unlocked several padlocks with a keyring she pulled from her pocket; the chains made a loud sound as they fell into a heap on the floor. "I guess it's a good thing. They don't look very kind on a little girl's wrists."

"Immune to negare, huh..."

If Reid remembered right, they were handcuffs made of a unique material that blocked a dragon's Magic exclusively, thus rendering their natura useless and forcing them to stay in their dragon form. Certes invented and supplied them, which was already telling what kind of organization it was.


He snapped to attention, just as Vade dumped the padlocks into his arms. He nearly dropped them from the sheer weight. "Oof, you monster—"

"Now, ensure that you lock all of these whenever you're not in the room. Also, your room is right across."

"Wait, I have to sleep here too?"

"Yes! Most efficient way to guard, after all."

"That's not... This is a 24/7 thing?" Reid was appalled. "I don't have my things. I don't even have my toothbrush!"

"No worries. These are storage, so you should be able to find something. Somewhere."

So it was up to him to deal with his accomodation? When they had shoved the problem dragon onto him without any warning at all? Reid wished he'd never stepped out of his apartment.

"Great. Really wonderful. Give Zylen my sincerest thanks. Oh, and also tell him to kindly jump off the island."

Vade smiled. "I'll do my best."

Chris gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, which did not help or comfort him at all. Reid grumbled incessantly, pocketing the keyring he was given as he followed the two into the room.

The stench of soot drew his attention to the blackened walls; the beige paint was already peeling off. Newspapers made up the entire floor, crinkling beneath his feet. Two other doors probably led to a bathroom and closet. No furniture except for the bed to Reid's right and the wooden dining set to the far left.

He almost overlooked the young woman at the table, whose dull demeanor made her blend into the plain room. She flipped through a book but it hardly made any sound. In fact, it felt as though she had no physical presence at all; her strikingly pale hair and skin, like that of a ghost's, probably didn't help either.

Reid moved closer to Chris. "Was this dorm haunted?"

"Um, if someone died in here, I think we'd know about it."

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