the drakonian sinner (1)

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During rainstorms, the world turned dusky and monochrome, like something out of an old detective noir movie. It gave off a different sort of mood, and there was that lovely smell drifting aloft too. Reid didn't mind it much—so long as he didn't get caught in it.

This was mainly because of the whole getting wet part. Wet clothes clung to the skin uncomfortably, not to mention his scales would peek out and shimmer like glitter. Not the most conspicuous way to go, and he never wanted to be called a sparkling vampire ever again.

Thus Reid stayed indoors even during the smallest rain shower, opting to watch from behind a shut window instead of venturing out like he was about to now.

He really did not want to, but a summons from the Chief of the Drakon Court wasn't something he could easily refuse.

With a long sigh, Reid stepped out of the front entrance of his apartment building and headed east. The wind picked up and breezed past him, sending a cold chill down his spine. The sooner I get out of this rain, the better.

Shivering, he put the hood of his coat over his head.

Several minutes later, Reid reached the café where he always met his friend, Chris, and opened the door. The smell hit him first; the permanent aroma of ground coffee and book pages always managed to loosen his tenseness some.

Stepping inside, he shook off the raindrops on his coat. Some splattered on the back of his hand, causing his skin to slowly glint a faint violet, so Reid quickly shoved his hands in his pockets and moved towards the back.

At a lone table near the door to the kitchen was a lone man with disheveled blond hair and eyes like a green sea. He held a Martini in his fingers; his phone sat on the table, the screen smudged. His Drakon ring had been strung along a chain around his neck.

Reid let out a low whistle. "Didn't they ban serving you alcohol?"

"I can be very persuasive."

His gaze slid over to the guy behind the counter, who was trying very hard not to look in their direction. Must be a new employee at the receiving end of Chris's threats. Poor guy.

Chris waved a hand. "Take a seat, I'll buy you one—"

"No thanks." Reid crossed his arms. "So what's up? You don't usually drink this early in the morning."

"Not unless I have a bunch of frowning flies to deal with later."

"Ah... The Court?"

"Yep. Zylen called us in for an 'emergency meeting,' which is the first I've heard of it. And all of us, too. Apparently everyone got a summons." Chris glanced at him with a steely gaze. "Did you?"


"Mmm, thought so. Did he disclose any details? You know, since you're his..."

"I'm just as in the dark as you are. I'm honestly surprised he knew how to contact me." Reid fixed a stare on his friend. "You wouldn't have anything to do with that, did you?"

"Nope. Maybe he got lucky." Chris took a sip, averting his eyes. "Are you going to the meeting?"

"Eh. Zylen's still Chief," Reid replied with a shrug.

Within the Court, Chief was the only rank above his own. If the summons had come from any of the other Elders and he didn't attend, no one would be able to do anything about it. Zylen must've been completely aware of that, as he had sent it himself.

Of course, Reid could have just not bothered, sent back a reply with an obvious excuse and continued his carefree life—he had already been doing that for five years. But he'd rather spend a few hours at the capital instead of dealing with the aftermath of rejecting Zylen's invitation.

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