Part 3: Practice Missions

Start from the beginning

"Alright then, its just you and me. lets kick some ass yeah?" Viper said through her mic. Jett nodded from afar, peaking the corner she was standing behind to shoot at Reyna while Viper went after phoenix. She updrafted to avoid some of the bullets being shot at her, then using a cloudburst to fix Reynas vision away from her. She glided down behind her and used two of her knives. One of them managed to hit reyna while the other phased right through her as she used dismiss, turning her invulnerable for a few seconds. Jett furrowed her eyes in annoyance and went to chase after her but just as she stepped after her she was blocked by phoenixes fire wall that curved around her and blocking the way to Reyna. She turned around to see him with his hands in his pockets, chuckling a little to himself. His eyes would burn brightly and flames would gently peak out from his jacket, signifying he had just used his run it back.

"What an honor, you get to 1v1 with the best. No way was i gonna let reyna have all the fun with you." He teased. Jett looked annoyed in the same way she did with Reyna. "Just like old times yeah Phoenix?" He could tell she was pissed, since she really just wanted to deal with Reyna first. He smiled, enjoying the moment. "Ill do you a favor. Knife only?" He asked. She just shrugged in annoyance and took out her knife. The two ran towards each other. of course dodging his blows was quite easy for jett being a lot more agile because of her passive. He noticed a pattern in her techniques, and using that to his advantage he was able to spread his fire to some places on the ground, ultimately limiting most of her movement. She looked up at him and growled with frustration in her eyes, then she used tailwind to give herself a boost quickly through the fire, kicking phoenix out of his own flames and cutting his arm with the knife. He grunted slightly and then smirked as Jett didnt have much time to react and regain her balance. He used it as an opportunity, grabbing her wrists and turning her face to the wall, pinning her to it. With her one of her hands on her back and the other on the side of her head, as well as him gripping her wrists, she couldnt hold on anymore. Thus causing her to drop the knife. She grunted in anger and struggled to break free of his hold but couldnt.

"Tsk tsk tsk. You tried! ill give you that! Id let you go but id rather enjoy watching you get pissed while you cant do anything to stop me." He laughed loudly, grinning cheekily at her. She felt her cheeks heat up and her face turn pink. He caught this in his eye and teased her about it. "Are you enjoying this?" He raised an eyebrow and then laughed again. "I can't tell if your pink with anger or embarrassment but daww.. That face looks good on you. Ill let you go if you say please." She growled, furious and cheeks a deep pink. Hearing the loud beeping noise of the spike being defused, She then used her foot to hook around the back of his leg, pulling it forward and causing him to fall over. She kept her back to him for a few seconds, the tattoos on her arms began to glow. "Phoenix.." He looked up at her as she turned around, somewhat frightened. "Eheh.. Yes..?"

"PHOENIX IM GONNA KILL YOU, YOU DAMN IDIOT!!" she yelled at him. He got up and started running in the other direction. She went to run behind him but was held back by Viper who was pulling her by her collar.

"Sorry i got here so late.." She rubbed the back of her head. "What! And where the hell were you?!" Jett yelled. Viper shrugged a little. "He outran me. Dont act like you dont know how hard it is to run after a guy in a gas mask-" Jett looked at her with a mix of confusion and agitation, then making a groan of annoyance. She then saw Reyna walk by with a proud smirk on her face. Jett watched her walk away and as she turned her back she went to lunge at her like she did at phoenix but was held back again. This time by Brimstone. "Save that enthusiasm for the real enemies next mission.. Sheesh.."

It had been an hour or so after the practice mission had ended. Jett sat across from Phoenix, blushing again with furrows eyebrows and her head turned, avoiding him. She wasnt even listening to Killjoy and Brim discuss the outcome of the mission and what they could improve on. She was too embarrassed. Taking a loss like that.. And to Pretty boy?! C'mon whats gotten into me! I would've never messed up like that on a real job. She moved her eyes to look back at phoenix. He looked at her with a taunting smile, causing her cheeks to puff up in embarrassment and frustration. Ughh i hate him so much! Look at that smirk. That look on his dumb face.. She continued to look at him, her expression slightly softened and her cheeks got darker. She shut her eyes and turned her head again. "Aughh! What the hell?!" She yelled out, gently pulling the hair on the sides of her face. Brim and Killjoy both looked at her, Brim being frustrated, while Killjoy looking somewhat confused. Until she realized what was going on.

"I think thats enough for today isnt it Brim?"

"Well i-"

"Yes yes i agree! Everyone feel free to head back to your rooms. We can continue another time." She spoke proudly, not giving brim the chance to answer her question. He snorted in frustration but left anyway. "Finally! Im sick of Brims dumb lectures! The champs already got all the firepower we need. Shes got the looks to prove it." he laughed at Jetts face. She growled and took out one of her knives. Phoenix was one of the first few to get up and leave after that. Killjoy walked over to her and started to laugh.
"What have you come to bother me too?" Killjoy smiled. "Yup! Viper told me what happened on the mission when Brim called me in here to help with the presentation." The two began walking out and down the hall shortly after Phoenix left. Jett didnt say anything. She chuckled. "Hes a bit handsy now isnt he?" She stopped walking and looked up at the ceiling. "Please! Shut up!" She said in embarrassment. "I just want to do my job okay? You and everyone else assuming stuff like this is getting in the way of my performance!" Killjoy shrugged and shook her head in disbelief. "You sure about that? You weren't even paying attention. When we were discussing how you could improve, Your eyes were locked on him the entire time." She pointed out.

Jett shook her head. "Tch yeah right! I was angry at him."

"No, you were angry with yourself because you dont want to admit what you felt." She laughed. Jett covered her face, and they stopped at her room. "Killjoy. I swear.. One day im going to hurt you.." She snorted, red in the face. She closed the door before she could respond and sat down on her bed. Killjoy stood on the outside of the door and laughed. She turned her head to see Sage with five dollars in her hand, Raze laughing at her. "She almost broke.." Said Sage. "But she didnt! Its jett were talking about, shes stubborn! Pay up sister!" Raze grinned. Killjoy smiled at the two looking determined. "Oh she'll break alright.. Give those two time."

Jett was in bed, already lying down. She was exhausted, and really tired of talking. Stupid killjoy.. Tch.. She looked over at the dress phoenix bought her, hanging on the closet door. Stupid phoenix.. She blushed again. Was she right? Why would i enjoy being pinned to a wall.. With my wrists being held.. B-By Phoenix.. Her entire body was hot with embarrassment which  made her mad. She slightly covered her mouth with her hand as she breathed, the other hand on her stomach. Holy shit.. She rolled on her other side. G-God d-dammit phoenix..!

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