Chapter 5 - Dancing in The Dark

Start from the beginning

After they ate, all of the kids moved back into the lounge and Ophelia pressed herself to Liam's side and he put his arm around the back of the sofa to make room for her. Johnny took it upon himself to tell a ghost story.

"Then, someone banged on her window hard- "Johnny had gotten part way into his story before he was cut off by a taunting Tyler.

Tyler had stood up from where he was sat on the pool table and walked towards Johnny slightly, "We've heard this a million times, can't we get something different? Don't you know anything not completely overused Johnny?"

That set Johnny off, who was already angry at Tyler for earlier when he embarrassed him. Johnny launched towards Tyler and started slamming him against the pool table, of course the rest of the kids only encouraged this as they shouted 'fight'. Ophelia and Liam got off of the sofa quickly, Liam grabbed Johnny from behind and pulled him away from Tyler while Ophelia stood between the two fighting boys and dodged the kicks that Johnny was trying to throw at Tyler, who was hidden behind Ophelia.

"Stop it!" Tracy ran in and pulled Tyler away from where Liam was holding Johnny back.

When Tyler carried on talking about the story that Johnny was telling, Johnny went for him again, which was silly as Tracy was still holding him back. Tyler then told his own story, about an electrician that came to his house one stormy night, it definitely scared Johnny which was quite funny.

After that lovely story, Tracy told them all to head upstairs and go to bed. Ophelia slipped on a big hoodie and a long pair of pyjama pants, it was cold in the house without the heating and if she wore anything less, she would have frozen.

Just as she was heading downstairs to grab a glass of water, she noticed Liam and Frank stood in front of the front door, and it was wide open.

"What's going on?" Ophelia questioned right before Liam shouted for Tracy rather frantically.

The care worker came down the stairs very quickly and looked towards the door, she was shocked, "But I shut this before you all went to bed!"

Tracy rushed forwards and shut the door and bolted the latch, all the commotion had brought the rest of the residents downstairs – all of them were wearing their nightclothes and a confused expression.

"Who did this? Has someone gone out?" Tracy questioned everyone as she walked back towards them and shone her torch onto each of them.

"No one got out, who got in?" Johnny helpfully questioned what everyone was thinking, note the sarcasm there.

Ophelia rolled her eyes, "thanks Johnny, way to go getting everyone freaked out again."

Of course, Johnny didn't like that so he snapped back as lowly as he could, "yeah well at least I'm not the one who has a breakdown over everything, maybe they should have sent you away with Kitty."

The young girl hated this insinuation that she was out of it enough that she should be sent to a special care unit, clearly not a lot of the other residents were impressed with Johnny's comment either as they all hissed at him. But, before someone could speak and probably shout at the young boy for that comment, Ophelia lunged forwards and shoved him harshly onto the sofa.

Johnny being Johnny, wouldn't exactly lay down and take this. He pulled down on Ophelia's drawstrings of her hoodie so that he could kick her harshly on the shin. The two of them fought for a few more moments before Ophelia was pulled off of where she was hitting Johnny harshly on the stomach by Liam, who was talking in her ear desperately trying to get her to calm down.

It was rather ironic really, two victims of the same type of abuse fighting using violence.

Ophelia struggled against where Liam was holding her back, he was the only one who stepped in to stop the fight - the others seemed to think that Johnny was quite deserving of what he got and hadn't made any effort to stop them.

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