with a little help | aepete

Start from the beginning

"Oiii!" Can stumbled behind him before gaining his balance and running with Ae while tightly grasping the other's hand.

Pete smiled slightly, watching as the two ran towards their class. Tin glanced at Pete before sighing and grabbing his wrist.

"Let's go." Tin mumbled, walking towards the direction of their class. He didn't want them to be late to their class either yet the small boy was, as bad as Tin hated to admit it, running through his head.

Pete was never afraid to say that he is gay. He was afraid of some people's reactions, however. Especially the people who are absolutely disgusted with the idea of the same gender being together.


"Are you ready for practice?" Ae asked Can as the both of them sat on a bench next to the football field. (soccer for us Americans) Can nodded and smiled a little as he sat up from tying his shoes.

"Sure." Can said, deep in thought. Ae sighed as he noticed Can's change in attitude the past few days. He patted Can's shoulder firmly before standing up and getting a football. He started practicing while Can sat there still deep in thought.

"Your name is Can, right?" someone questioned from behind Can. Can instantly glanced up at the person and nodded.

"Yes." Can answer, annoyed by being brought out of his thoughts by Tin's friend. "What do you want?"

Pete seemed taken back by Can's attitude. He knew Can didn't exactly like Tin. But, why was he being rude to Pete when he hadn't done anything?

"Uh... Nevermind. I can just talk to someone else." Pete smiled slightly, deciding to leave him to himself.

Can sighed and moved over slightly for Pete to sit beside him. "It's fine. You don't seem like your friend, Tin."

Pete smiled at him and let his eyes wander around the field, his eyes subconsciously looking for a certain male. "He can go too far a lot of times. His attitude can be too much to certain people. I'm used to it. You just have to get used to it and learn how to deal with his attitude." Pete explained. "Anyway, I was wondering if you guys have a study group. My class is supposed to help them study and tutor them."

Can stared at Pete for a moment before answering.

"I mean, yeah. I am in one for studying while Ae helps to tutor the people in the group. Ae's got the big brain." Can explained. "Why would your class tutor us when the seniors in our college could?"

"I don't really know."

Can leaned down and grabbed a random football that rolled towards his feet. "I'm going to start practicing now. If you need help with anything else, just ask me. Bye, Pete!" He smiled brightly as he waved at Pete. He ran off onto the field towards his team and started practicing.

Pete sat there longer and watched them all run around the field like ants that had just had their hill destroyed.

"Why are you just sitting here?" Tin asked from behind Pete. Pete sighed and stood up, turning towards Tin.

"I asked Can about the tutor and studying group things since you did not want to. To answer, Can and Ae are both in a group so they do have one or more." Pete quickly explained. Tin nodded slightly. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going home. Bye." Pete realized how rude he'd sounded though he hadn't meant for it to be.

Tin nodded to himself as Pete had already started walking away. He sat on the bench right where Pete previously had been. Tin wasn't one to stick around for things such as this. But, he wants to see for himself what it is in Ae that Pete finds so very interesting. Pete could deny it a thousand times, but Tin already noticed how Pete would stare at Ae with a look of adoration. Tin didn't stick around much longer. He didn't see much in Ae, but he knew Pete could see more than he could.

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