Chapter 1: Explosions and New Dreams | Part 1

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Chapter 1: Explosions and New Dreams

Hi! My name is Midoriya Izuku. You may know me, or you might not. But do I have a story for you. My dream is to be the #1 hero, just like my idol, All Might! I want to go to UA, become a hero, a be a beacon of peace for everyone everywhere. But, I'm quirkless, so that's close to impossible. Little did I know that UA wasn't the best choice. This is my story about how I go to Shiketsu High and become the #1 Hero!


People are not born equal. I learned that at the small age of four. It started somewhere in China, with a glowing baby. Then everywhere, people were showing signs of extraordinary powers, which we come to call quirks. Now, 80% of the population has these powers, the other 20% aren't so lucky. I just so happen to be part pf the 20%, what the people the press and population call "the quirkless". I want to be a hero, but wat people call this 'disability" makes it near to impossible. I'm currently sitting in a classroom for Aldera Middle School, as a 3rd year.

"It's time to start thinking seriously about your futures! You guys are all 3rd years now. I would Hand these future career forms, but..." The teacher takes a dramatic pause, "I assume you all want to be heroes!" He throws the papers up into the air, and at that moment everyone, with the exception of 2, start setting off their quirks, which range from super strength to long neck.

'Sensei! Don't lump me in with these loseres! As if I had anything like their crappy quirks."

"Get over yourself Katsuki!"



Ah yes, Bakugo Katsuki. Another 3rd year at Aldera High, and my past childhood friend and tormentor. Quirk: Explosion. He can secrete nitroglycerin sweat from his palms and set them off as explosions. We used to be best friends, but when I told him I was quirkless, things went downhill.

"You're also going for U.A, aren't you Midoriya?" Uh Oh. Why couldn't the teacher just stayed quiet. The whole classroom went silent. Then, it bursts in to Jeering Laughter,


"HUH?! Midoriya?! No way?!"

"Good grades alone can't get you into the hero course!" Then suddenly, an explosion goes off, you can only think who that was. "COME ON DEKU!! FORGET THE CRAPPY QUIRKS. YOU'RE TOTALLY QUIRKLESS!" Ouch, that kinda hurt, you didn't have to rub it in.

"U-uh, n-No Kac-c-chan!" I can't compete with you at all! There's no harm in trying though..."


'WHAT COULD YOU EVEN DO AT THE EXAMS?!" and with That comment, that talk about U.A is over, and the day continues. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi everyone! So, here's the first chapter. Chapter 1 parts 1&2 are short, because I split them up into 2 parts, I won't do that usually so the chapters will be much longer. Peace Out!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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