The unexpected Proposal (Chapter 10)

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Preeti was surprised to see Ramnath on the door 

Preeti: Hello bade papa

Ramnath Uncle: Hello beta (as he closes the door) what did you say? Aaditya was in the kitchen?

Preeti: Yes bade papa I went to call Aaditya and I saw him hiding in the kitchen

Ramnath Uncle: (Smiling) Suman, Our plan is successful he found out and now he is going to plan something more dangerous and maybe he can ( Indicating to something)

Suman: I know he will do something thats why I am two steps ahead of him, Shravan did you do the thing I told you to do?

Shravan: Yes your excellency, I have followed you orders and here is the proof (giving her the headphones and a tablet) 

Suman Preeti and Ramnath uncle were laughing at his tone

Suman: Thank you, but why are you being so jokey?

Shravan: Because ever since you came here after our marriage I never saw you laugh so freely I have always treated you as a servant or maybe more than that but you never left me and my family. You don't know what has happened to me in the past few months 

Suman: I know it, I know it all. Aaditya was blackmailing you right?

Ramnath uncle Shravan and Preeti are shocked 

Shravan: H......o.......w do you know?

Suman: well, I came in your cabin when you were talking to him and then I left because I knew who needed 20 Lakhs for their business 

Shravan: So he didn't want to kidnap you? He was just asking me for money?

Suman: Maybe if you didn't give him he might have

Shravan: ohh! so the main motive was to get money?

Suman: Right, now he is here for something big be careful Preeti

Preeti: Ok di good night

Suman: Good night

And Ramnath uncle and Preeti left the room

Suman: Good Night Shravan

Shravan: Suman one minute, can I ask you a question?

Suman: Yeah, go ahead

Shravan: You know why I mistreated you, but why didn't you tell anyone? I mean you could have told anyone in the family but you never did why so

Suman: Well, I could have told anyone but I didn't tell because this is between us only no third person should interrupt 

Shravan: I am sorry Sumo, for how I treated you, I just didn't want any troubles anymore, I'm just tired fighting alone, (sitting on one knee) will you help me fight all my problems and enjoy my happiness?

Suman was shocked but happy that her love had actually proposed her but not directly but she was about to say something when Shravan said

Shravan: Sumo please answer fast my legs are tired

Suman: (Laughs but nods her head) Yes, I will be there in your ups and downs Shravan

Shravan jumped in joy and carried her as shown in the last scene of the last episode

Suman: Shravan Put me down I have to wake up early tomorrow 

Shravan puts Suman down and goes to bed they hug and sleep

--------------------------------Next Morning------------------------------------------------------------------------------   

Heyy guys thats it for today I hope you guys enjoyed the unexpected proposal, I want to thank all of you for waiting so patiently for my next update and if you like it please vote and comment and be sure to share the story 

And I have posted another story on edkv 'Undercover Love' be sure to read it and comment also, it is absolutely different from the plot from the serial 

Stay home, Stay safe and wear a mask if you go outside  

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