I hummed in response

"I like someone" she said

I froze for a while and nodded

"I'm not sure yet, if he likes me back, but he told me before that he likes me, now I'm not sure if his feelings are the same" she explained

"Just tell the lucky guy" my voice cracked a little

She likes someone yet I am the one who's here with her, not him...

She looked at my reflection with a little pain in her eyes while my eyes turn into a cold stone

I'm sorry elsa, but I won't interfere you with that guy. I'll be away from you



It's been a week since jack and I talked. When he walked passed me he just nodded like I am a stranger

I thought I would finally have a person who will stay by my side, but I was wrong

Jack walked passed me and give me a nod, a cold nod then looked at other direction

He looked like want to avoid me forever. I can't help but my heart hurt, hurt so much

I miss him

"You guys have a fight?" punzie snapped me from my thoughts

"No" I answered

"Then why does he look like trying to avoid you?" she asked curious

"I don't know" I sighed


"You know what's wrong?" I asked

"No, this is sooo bad" alya said

"You guys have a serious man talk" I said to flynn

"Tonight, we'll meet, just boys, including agreste" he replied

"Good, ask him why is he acting like that" I said

"Sure ma'am" he replied jokingly



I was walking to my apartment tiredly, thinking about my happy moment with jack

Then a strong grip grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the room. A room which hans use to....

Rape me

There's a shadow standing "h-hans?" I stuttered

He threw the bottle beside me and it broke startled me and the shadow walked closer meanwhile I backed away

I saw his face clearly now, it's not hans, it's...


"Tadashi?" I asked

"Shut up!" he yelled angrily

I could smell a heavy alcohol from him, he might be drunk

He grabbed my wrist and pushed me to the bed

"Ta-tadashi th-this is not y-you" I stuttered and tears started to form

"Shut up!" he yelled

He began to rape me

It's been a while since I experienced this. I begged him to stop, my tears flow again uncontrollably

He even make me drink an alcohol. I try not to pass out


He finally stop and went out leave me there. My head is dizzy. I try to gain my vision for a while and shook away my dizziness

The dream✨ Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin