Chapter 12 - Eyes On Him

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Her life is full of surprises.
Her father, Dexter Wolfe. He was part of V.I.L.E Faculty and Shadowsan's predecessor as professor of stealth of thievery. Killed in cold blood by Interpol.

Her mother, known to her as 'Vera Cruz' faked her death and is still out there. Somewhere out in the world.

No longer in cahoots with A.C.M.E after hacking them, she creates even more enemies.

And that means, it's even more dangerous for her to be seen with Gray. So many eyes are watching her. She needs to disappear. For Gray's safety, they must not meet at all or else he'll be dragged into unwanted danger.

For this reason, they have not communicated for months. Carmen is keeping everything low-key and she's focused now on finding out on her mother. Life is hell-bent for her to be on solving mysteries.

Gray with his memories intact which brought him guilt and shame, he continues with his normal life as an electrician while his heart and mind suffers.

It's quiet between the both of them.
Another normal day.
Still, in this normality of this day, something was off. Something not too obvious to be caught, but something was there with him.
He sets out of his apartment.
Walking with light footsteps.

Something was off. He could sense it.
It has been like this ever since the last meeting with Carmen. The most logical answer was, he was being watched.

He wasn't too sure. They would have sent an operative to bring him back, but whoever was watching him was always keeping an eye on him.

He must be cautious with his actions. He must not let them know he has his memories back. He must not create any oddities that might alarm them.

His complete memories must remain a secret, to keep Carmen away from danger.

On late nights, he closes all curtains.
He will not let anyone spy on him at this timing.
He starts tinkering.

As much as he hates bringing up his past, he plans to remake his weapon, the Crackle Rod. This is to defend himself. He has a gut feeling, someone will come and get him, and that someone is not friendly. Thus, with his engineering knowledge and skills, he starts recreating the Crackle Rod.

Carmen must be busy as well. She hasn't sent a new text to him for months now. The news of the infamous Carmen Sandiego has been quietened down. Something again must have happened to her, but Gray believes she's doing fine. She's a tough nut to crack.

Her only weakness is that she cares too much. She cares too much for her friends that she calls family. She'll risk her life her for them.

Gray wonders about Carmen from time to time, she never truly gets out of his mind.

Many nights pass by and he completes the recreation of the Crackle Rod.

The little crackles of the visible little electricity that are surrounding the rod, lit a blinding white and the rod covered with dark green.
He smiles at it, but with eyes that drooped.

One day, he'll meet Carmen again as much as he doesn't want to, the world is going to make them meet again.

The unnerving feeling of everyday that someone is watching his every step, the anxious feeling that they may come at him anytime-
He needs to put on a facade for them. Everything is normal. He is normal. Just a normal working electrician.

He won't let them know what's coming their way if they come for him.

Unforgettable ( RedCrackle ) - Carmen Sandiego Fix-it FicHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin