Chapter 7.

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"Oh, Please.........Oh, Will you please come back to bed now". A girls voice pleaded from out from the adjoining bedroom.
"What exactly are you doing in there anyway?".

The blonde, curly haired young man tried to ignore her as he poured himself over masses of thick, oversized text books, numerous sheets of paper, loads of technical and even more colourful graphs, lined notebooks and an assortment of pencils, rulers, erasers and sharpeners.

Not getting any sort of an answer, the girl now decided to slide herself out of the bed the two of them had moments before been sharing, draped a dressing gown around her naked form and padded barefoot out into the kitchen to where the young man was sat there alone, to see exactly what he was in fact doing.

"Jeez........ Look at all of this! It's....... Its like a bloody classroom in here!". She exclaimed, seeing him sat at the elongated kitchen table surrounded by everything that a successful student needed and more!

However, the young man wearing a pair of black rimmed spectacles and not an awful lot more, wasn't even half tempted to look up at her, for all he seemed to be interested in, at this precise moment was getting on with his massive work load.
The girl though, undeterred by his distinct lack of interest in her, padded over towards him and gently placed her two hands onto each of his bare shoulders, then leant over him.

"Sweetheart........... I'm trying to study here". He spoke gently and huffed quietly at her disturbance.

The auburn haired girl with an array of freckles all over her cute button shaped nose, wrinkled it up in disgust as she then went over and sat herself down on the vacant kitchen chair beside him. She wasn't a scholar, nor was she ever interested in anything of an academic nature. This girl had extremely well off parents who gave her what she needed and more, so she had no desire at all to carve out even a semblance of a living for herself or to find her own way in this big wide world.
All she had ever been interested in, from quite an early age, was having oodles of fun, smoking pot and getting laid by smart, vulnerable, good looking young men.

And in Art Garfunkel she had found exactly that!
He was the absolute perfect candidate for her little collection. In fact she had congratulated herself many, many times over on acquiring such a perfect specimen!
This guy loved to indulge in more than a joint or two, was very smart in his appearance and was also extremely good looking with his wild, eccentric blonde hair. He also spoke very quietly, had come from a well mannered and respectable family, but was also terribly shy, very insecure and totally lacked in any sort of self confidence whatsoever!
He also had, the most amazing, expressive, dazzling blue eyes that she'd ever seen in anyone before and had therefore become totally and utterly captivated by them.

Yes...... She had definitely hit the jackpot with this one, that was for sure, or so she had thought.

When Emily Epstien invited her new acquisition to her home for a few days whilst her parents were away on a business trip, she had no idea that he would be bringing along his entire classroom with him as well!
Art Garfunkel had turned up at her door with a rucksack bulging full of what she had first thought were his clothes, several bottles of liquor and a shed load of pot. She was disappointed, to say the very least, to find it actually contained school books of all things!
Emily had laughed at the contents and thought it was an elaborate joke on his part, in trying to seem ultra intelligent. She told him that she didn't really care about any of that sort of stuff and said it was a stupid thing for him to do, carrying such heavy, cumbersome items half way across New York City just to prove something to her. And anyway she then had told him that he wouldn't in fact have anytime for studying or anything like that, after what she had in mind for him!

Unbeknown to Emily though, Art Garfunkel was deadly serious about his studying. He was actually in the middle of doing a math degree, hoping to one day perhaps become a teacher or a professor of some kind.
Art loved to study, almost as much as he loved smoking pot but at this moment his priority was to get this assignment done so that he could move on to the next one.

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