Prologue; the beginning of the end

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Fun Fact; This was actually for school 🙃
The monks on the distant planet, Fiorina 161 heard a loud crash outside of their sanctuary prison. Many monks rushed outside to see what had happened. There stood a rescue ship with the name Sulaco written on the side. The ship read on the back it was property of the colony of LV-426, a distant planet where no one dared to go, as they had heard horror stories of people going missing. The monks were even more surprised it came that far away! The group rushed in as fast as they could to discover 4 bodies all in hypersleep and to their surprise alive.

"The devil is nearly upon us," one muttered under their breath. "We must contain these people until further notice. These people are in rebellion with our way of life."

A scream began to ring throughout the ship.

"Get the nuns to retrieve these unfortunate souls to the infirmary." The one monk demanded. Two monks ran as bellicosely out of the ship as fast as they possible.

The monk heard something oozing. As if something was being hatched in a way. He gravitated his way carefully to the mysterious noise. When he got there, he saw eggs all over the room and one of them hatched completely. He smiled to himself.

"Get these eggs to the church," He demanded. "And tell the Abbot we have our perfect creature."
What he didn't know was that there was something behind him.

A parisite ready to strike at the monk.

Alien 3 Rewrite (because I was unhappy with the movie :)) Where stories live. Discover now