part 16

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colby and I walk around eating talking and also he won a prize for me and got me a teddy bear

I loved it and it made me really happy, then he said "lets go to ferris wheel" he pointed to it

y/n-"ok lets go" I smiled
he took my hand and we walked over to ferris wheel, like I said i haven't been to fair in a long time so I was excited to go on ferris wheel

most people find it boring but I mostly go on it for the view

colby and I were now really high and the view was so beautiful, night sky, city lights it looks like I'm in a movie

well my life currently feels like a movie, I'm sitting next to a guy that kidnapped me and we are on a... date?! oh my god is this a date? it sure does feel like one

he would hold my hand every time he had a chance, he would compliment me, hug me, buy me food etc.

yep this is a date

As we were on ferris wheel i looked over at colby and he was already looking at me, I smiled

"you are beautiful" he said and I started blushing, we were just staring into each others eyes

his beautiful blue eyes, we started leaning in and soon enough I could feel his soft lips touch mine

we pulled away and both smiled we then looked back at view and he put his arm around my shoulder, it felt so nice to be this close to him

we got of ferris wheel, and he took my hand and said "where do you want to go now?" I yawned and said "I'm tiredd let's go home"
colby-"ok lets go"
he started walking but then stopped bc I didn't start walking "what" he was confused
"I want piggyback ride to the car!" he just laughed at me and gave me a piggyback ride to the car "thx colbs"

"you are welcome princess" he said as he put me down next to the car, we got in and he started driving back to the house

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