part 11

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Colby grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the club

As we left he let go and turned around to look at me
colby-"this is why I didn't want you girls to go, see that creep, he is just one of many!"

he was mad but not at me or that man, I feel like he was mad at himself for letting me go

I started shivering because it was cold outside, colby noticed and took of his jacket "here take it, you are freezing" he handed it to me and I put it on

colby was driving towards house, the ride was silent until he said something "um wanna get ice cream" he chuckled and I smiled and looked over at him

I said "sure, let's get some"

10 minutes later colby pulled over and said "what flavor do u want?"
y/n-"wait I'm not going with you?"
colby-"do you really want to walk in those heels?"
"I can always go barefoot" I smiled, and he chuckled "yeah that's not happening, now tell me what flavor"
y/n-"*your favorite flavor*"
"ok I'll be right back" he said and got out of car

a few minutes later colby came with two ice creams, one for me and one for him

"here you go" he handed it to me, "thank you colby" I was so happy right now, I love ice cream

colby and I just sat in his car for some time until he aet his ice cream so he can drive

"um colby?" I said "yes?" he responded "how did you... get yourself in all of this mafia stuff" I asked kinda nervous

"well when I was 14 I had really bad group of friends and they would always bring cigarettes and alcohol, at first I didn't really mind it then they made me try it... well they didn't really made me its more like I asked them to try it... slowly but surely it wasn't just cigarettes and alcohol, there were all kinds of drugs but to get them you had to do dirty work for some people.... one day I asked my friend how can I get some and he told me to go to this place and find a man who sells it... they i started doing a lot of dirty work for him... it turned from stealing a small amount of money, to killing people..."

he stopped and turned on his car and started driving, I wasn't sure if I should ask more but I did

"and what happened then?"

colby started talking again "I started killing people when I was 16, first time I couldn't believe that I actually took someone's life... I couldn't sleep for weeks but then it happened a few more times and it slowly became a normal thing for me to do, I don't feel anything when I kill someone, I don't feel sadness, regret... nothing... people started to be scared of me, mostly because I didn't have anything to lose no friends no family.... after my parents found out what I was doing they kicked me out, I don't blame them tho and those friends that got me in all this mess slowly left... like everyone else in my life"

I was speechless and he again continued talking "then I met Sam, he also killed people for money and drugs we became friends and from that point on everything else happened"

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