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Y/n pov:
(You are no.8 here and i know that number 8 doesn't exist in Tua but here she/he does)
Today we had to film ben's funeral scene after we were done we all (young cast) went to a dinner and ate donuts. After we all ate donuts we just were hanging out in the dinner. Ethan was tweeting the whole time, he tweeted some weird stuff as always :/ Eden and T.j gave me some looks i knew too good. Eden and T.j told me very often that Ethan has a crush on me but idk if i should believe them. I mean i kinda like him too, but i'm not sure how i should tell him or if i even should tell it Ethan. Dante, Blake and Cameron played among us together and didn't really show attention to the rest of us. Suddenly i got a message from Twitter. I opened Twitter and looked at the tweet where i got @. It was a video of Dante Cam and Ethan. Maybe it got leaked or something i thought,but i didn't told it Ethan who was sitting next to me. i wanted to know why i got @ so i put my air pods in and started the video." Dude stop lying", Dante said. „Yeah it's obviously that you like Y/n". Cameron said. „Ok ok, it's true but I don't think she likes me too, so don't tell her please", Ethan said. „Why the hell do you think she doesn't like you back?, you two fit perfect together", Dante said. Now Ethan replied „ Almost every time i see her on set or anywhere else she is texting some weird dude, maybe she likes him..."
„Bro i bet that „weird dude" is her annoying brother, he is texting her all the time!?", Cam answered. That was the end of the video. That dude that is always texting is really my annoying brother. And i can't believe that T.j and Eden were right! Ethan Hwang has a crush on ME!!!!!!
Omg what should i do?!
I wanted to know who recorded that vid.
After some research i found out it was my brother. I told myself that i am gonna kill him for leaking this video. He always comes over and does things nobody likes. He is soooooo annoying that is obliviously why everyone call him „y/n's annoying brother"

I didn't told Ethan I saw this video.
Later we all were in our rooms as it knocked on my door. As i opened Ethan was standing there. He looked a bit embarrassed and he blushed too.
We sat down on my bed
He said nothing so i did too.
After a  few minutes i finally said „ is something wrong Tae?"( Tae Kyung is Ethan's korean name) I always call him Tae when I am serious or mad at him ;) He looked up to me very quickly (he doesn't like to get called Tae in this story, thats also the reason why you are calling him like that when you serious or mad. I told you don't call me that, he said still blushing. That was cute i thought. I ignored him and said „ Tell me whats wrong". „Oh ok, he said very shy
„Ehm i don't know if you really saw that video that was leaked on Twitter by your brother but he said you saw it so thats why i'm here", he said very soft but still shy
„Oh yea i saw it, sorry that i didn-.
„No it's okay, i really have a crush on you but never knew how to tell you. And if you don't like me back it's okay". Ethan embarrassed. Before i told him that i like him too i asked him why he likes me, it made him blush even harder. „Em i like you because you are very kind and funny, and i also think that you are very pretty he said almost so quiet that it didn't hear  it. „Oh well, I like you because you are funny and i love you humor and you are smart", I said.
After Ethan realised that i like him too he smiled super cute (like this)

„So does that mean you actually like me too?, he said in almost disbelieve

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

„So does that mean you actually like me too?, he said in almost disbelieve.
„Yeah i really do Tae", i answered.
Suddenly he pulled my into a hug, god i love his hugs they are sooooo comfortable.  I think he was about to kiss me when my annoying brother crashed into my room.....

Hey guys i hope you liked it pt.2 is coming soon!
I also hope i didn't made to mich mistakes.

Ethan Hwang X Reader (Imagines)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن