Chapter Two | All About The Murder Eyes

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SONG: Hey You - Pink Floyd

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SONG: Hey You - Pink Floyd

"Allison!" Klaus exclaimed, "Wow, is that you?" he asked as she made her way to the desk he was standing at.

"Should I give you two some space?" I asked, not wanting to feel out of place again, but Klaus waved a hand at me.

"No, no, you're okay," he said without actually looking at me, then held his arms out to Allison, "Hey, come here," he said, moving in to hug her, "Long time. Too long. Hey, I was hoping to see you, actually because I wanted to get your autograph. Add it to my collection!" he said, folding his hands under his chin and I smiled, biting my lip to cover the laugh that wanted to escape them. What was pretty unsettling was even though Allison was tall, Klaus was still taller. Allison also noticed the band on his wrist, tugging at it.

"Just out of rehab?" she asked. I knew he must've been some kind of addict.

"No, no. No, no, no, no. No. I'm done with all that," he sighed, moving away from Allison and covering the band on his wrist with his sleeve, "I just came down here to prove to myself that the old man was really gone," he said, faking some tremor in his voice at the end, "And he is! He's dead! Yeah!" he clapped like he was happy about it, grinning ear to ear. I wondered why he seemed so happy about his dad being dead. Even from all the shit Vanya had told me, she was still upset that he was gone, "You know how I know? Because if he were alive, not one of us would be allowed to set foot in this room," Klaus looked from Allison to me, "He was always in here, our whole childhood, plotting his next torment," he looked back to her as he sat down in the swivel chair, "Right?" he chuckled, "Remember how he used to look at us? That scowl?" he pointed up at the portrait directly behind and above him, "Thank Christ he's not our real father so we couldn't inherit those cold, dead eyes!" he exclaimed, putting his finger up to his eyes to widen them as he glanced from me to Allison with a scream, making Allison and I both chuckle a bit, "Number Three!"

"Get out of his chair," I heard a deep and unfamiliar voice behind me, turning to see an even taller, big man wearing a large coat.

"What is with the tall genes in this family. You guys aren't even actually related," I muttered to myself. The man held himself in such a way that seemed like he would be the leader of the team, with a stoic expression on his face. He didn't seem nearly as fun as Klaus. He took a couple steps into the room, glancing at me for less than a second before looking back at Klaus and Allison. I turned so I could try to face all of them, but more so Klaus. So far, he was the most interesting.

"Oh, wow, Luther!" Klaus exclaimed. So that must be the guy Allison was talking about. I noticed a small smile grace her lips as she looked at him and had to take a double take glancing between the two, "Wow, you really, uh..." Klaus started, standing from the chair, "You really filled out over the years, huh?" He said, flexing both biceps as if to reference Luther's humongous torso, specifically his bulging arms.

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