Part 1

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The car of the old squeaky train was packed to satiety by tired people who mutually desired to come back home after a long, grueling day. That's why they continued to pry into the depths of the transport, actively knocking out a place for themselves and not worrying too much about the others.

Donghyuck quietly settled down at the window and studied the faces of nearby passengers closely, habitually choosing a victim among them.

For several days now, he had to go without money, eating the leftovers of the ramen he bought last week. However, this couldn't last forever, because his stomach was twisting from the mere thought that tonight he would have to starve again.

Deciding to go 'hunting' before the weekend, he pulled on black pants and a matching jacket over a dark turtleneck to be as inconspicuous as possible. He hid his face under a hood, and lowered his fringe, hiding his eyes under dark brown strands. In this outfit, the boy was always confident in himself and knew that hardly anyone would pay attention to such a hermit in the very corner of the train on his own mind.

When the transport jerked sharply and people fell forward, crushing each other with their weights, Donghyuck finally spotted a handsome guy in an expensive, high collared, gray coat.  Even his hair was perfect as if he just left a beauty salon.  Looking closer, Donghyuck saw that his palms were not crossed or hidden in his pockets, which meant that they provided full access to penetration under the fabric and finding something valuable there, say, a wallet.

Licking his dry lips in satisfaction, the boy deliberately crept closer, somehow pushing several people to the side with his elbows, clearing the way. Once he was one step away from the victim, he pretended to be going to leave at the next station, and, fortunately, the man did not pay attention to him at all, calmly looking out of the window and holding on to the handrail with one hand.

For several minutes he was shifting from one foot to another, feeling that he was gradually being pushed to the side, but thanks to his stubbornness and a habit of working on trains, Donghyuck was able to stand still. As the train rocked violently again, he intentionally rushed at the nearby guy, falling right onto his chest.  Blinking in surprise, the brunet grabbed him by the shoulders and tried to push him away, while Donghyuck's hands successfully examined the contents of his coat pockets.

In situations like this, the main things are dexterity and speed, which allow you to rob a person blind, leaving no suspicion behind. He successfully managed to fish out a mobile phone and a thick leather wallet just at the moment when the man eventually succeeded to pull away, peeking under his hood.

Having quickly bowed, Donghyuck took advantage of his short hesitation and, imperceptibly hiding his belongings under the sleeves of his jacket, rushed to the exit, which was about to release passengers eager to get into the fresh air.  When the door opened, he heard the dark-haired man shouting something, but the noise in his ears and adrenaline in his blood drove him forward, making it impossible to look back. And this happened every time he pickpocketed.  This job always made him dreadful as hell, but at least it made him a decent income.

Unfortunately, it was the only way to raise money since he didn't have the proper education to get a job in a good place.  Even an ordinary janitor wasn't accepted everywhere, and after a certain period of time, they were still getting fired or didn't get paid in full. Because of this, he was forced to live and eat poorly, but he couldn't afford to die. Therefore, such work was very much to his liking and cost him only mild nervousness and increased blood pressure.

The boy quickly walked to the exit of the subway, knowing perfectly well which station it was. He just needed to wait for a short while - and he can catch the next train to get to his little apartment on the outskirts of Bukchon.

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