Exams for a new begining | Pt: 1

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A giant stack of papers rested on the table in front of her, like many others in the giant lecture hall.

The only school teaching future caretakers in America, Armingtons. The University was almost the size of the super bowl stadium. It housed only a select few. The entrance test was picky as hell and every semester more and more people would drop out or get rejected to attend more if their GPA wasn't high enough.

The classes that made it fit into one lecture hall, the once crowded halls became empty as the year progressed. Most freshmen dropped out after the first semester. The second years and third year's population decreased by 2x by the end of the year. There were only 20 3rd years ready to graduate, the only thing in their way, a month-long test.

The oddest question on the entire test was
"Can Monsters and Humans get pregnant together?"
Of course the answer was no.

Most were 80% done, everyone on a different page or question. Everyone paying attention like their lives depended on it, the fail rate was anything below an 80. If you got anything above an 80% you could retake the test, if you got a 95 or a above you passed. After all it was one of the most sought after jobs, the new 'what I want to be, when I grow older' on kindergarteners papers. Integrating Kusumas/ monsters into human society. The cut off was always close since you could kill people if you fucked up your job.

Thankfully you were allowed to listen to music while you were working on the massive test. Today Akihiko finished a good 30 pages. A few people didn't pass and few didn't finish.

Akihiko passed, and finished top of her class with a whole 100%. Two of her friends got around the high eighties, not passing but still able re take it.

"Aki! Congrats you dork!" Haru slapped the back of Aki after hearing of her passing with full marks.

"Let's go have a drink. We have to celebrate some how". Yuki smiled.

"Where? That sounds great, I could definitely hit up a bar right now. Schools got me down". Haru slipped her arm around Aki's shoulders.

"Maybe Blue Fox?"  Yuki answered.

"You mean that super expensive spot? None of us have the money for that." Aki reminded the two college students high off of opportunities.

"Oh ho ho, we do! Everyone who gets a 80+ gets a few thousand to inspire them to try again. I bet you they already paid you well for passing with flying colors!" Yuki smiled, grabbing Aki's hand.

"Kind of, the check comes in tomorrow."

"Well then, let's hit it up. We're getting ready at Haru's place". Yuki added.

"Why mine?"

"You're girlfriends the best with clothes and makeup". She continued.

"Miki is good, I'll give you that. Don't tell me you're trying to steal her away from me!" Haru laughed and playfully punched Yuki in the shoulder.

"Never, but is she on the market if you break up?" Yuki moved away from Aki, expecting HAru to come for her ass.

"Yuki you sly bitch!" Haru grabbed Yuki and squeezed the shit out of her.

The small exchange was enough to help wash away the exhaustion of the exams.

"Hold still!" Miki told Yuki.

"Sorry, you're just too bright."

"No, you're just a little bitch who can't keep her eyes open." Haru was doing her own eyeliner.

"Can you two not, right now?" Aki was doing her hair.

"Oh shaddup nerd" Haru threw a towel at her.

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