worthy shadow nuk lan rona shanta cashi and evryone els in this chapter

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Zhong was not Worthy's chosen holiday destination, the jungles even less so.

"Why did it have to be in Zhong?" he complained.

"Not my fault" stated Shadow. "Shhh, I hear voices."

"Rona, you crazy little fish, what the heck? No one goes swimming in there, what are you thinking!" Five green-cloaked figures came round the corner. One looked about a year older then Worthy and appeared to be from these jungles. One was slightly younger than him. She looked to be from the Hundred Isles and the younger boy looked to be his age. He looked alot like Conor, just with darker hair. There were two older Greencloaks, a man from Nilo and a woman from Stetriol.

"Who are you?" asked the man.

"I am Worthy."

"Worthy of what? Just kidding! I know of you. I am Shanta and this is Cashi, Rona, Lan and Nuk." Lan, the Zhongese girl, stepped forward.

"If you are looking for the lost children I suggest you come with us."

"Pan, is that you?" asked Shadow.

"Ella! Oh my, you're alive!"

"I could say the same thing about you."

"Erm, excuse me, but what am I missing?" wondered Worthy.

"Me and Nuk, is that what you're called now?"


"Anyway, me and Nuk were penpals before the second Devourer war. Wait, what's your spirit animal called?!"

"Beskis" he said as a black vulture dive-bombed him, only to pull up at the last second then disappear onto a tattoo on the side of his face.

"You know the Heroes of Erdas don't you?" asked Rona.

"Yes" Worthy nodded.

"They spoke fondly of you." Worthy blushed and was glad of his mask.

"May we meet all your spirit animals?" asked Shadow excitedly.

"Only if we can see your faces" retorted Nuk. Shadow nodded.

"Deal." Rona released a small fuzzy corgi dog from a tattoo on her bare foot. Shanta released an arctic fox from around his neck and Cashi bent down to a pile of ferns.

"Tracer, would you like to come out?" A small white face poked through the ferns.

"You two both have the same spirit animal" gasped Shadow.

"Yes" smiled Cashi. "This is Tracker and here is Tracer." Tracker jumped from around Shanta's shoulders to land on Shadow's leg. She laughed and stroked the fox. Lan looked to a tree and seconds later a snow leopard came jumping down, landing lightly at her side. She purred. Clearly she'd watched them from above.

"This is Storm" said Lan proudly. Shadow nudged Worthy.

"Time for us to take off our masks."

He removed his, uncomfortable with the feeling, but to his surprise the others didn't gasp. They didn't even flinch. Shadow removed her mask and smiled. Nuk gasped and ran to her.

"Your face!" he said "What on Erdas happened?"

"You know" Shadow replied.

"It's just so strange to see you" he said.

"So you think I look good?" asked Shadow.

"You look beautiful, girl" he said. She smiled.

"We should get going. Ellen might be in trouble" He nodded.

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