Chapter One

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AN: The fist chapter of a new fan fiction - I really hope you guys like it, and please leave feedback, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks, and enjooooy :)

Chapter One - Leaving.

Diary entry: December 22nd 2012

It’s Saturday morning, and it’s freakin’ freezing! My best friend Rose stayed last night, because at 6 this morning I’m letting her drive me to the ski field for the whole day.  Right now it’s half past five, and I don’t think we’ll be able to get out of the house because the doors will be frozen shut, it’s soooo cold.

“Do you really have to write everything down?” Rose asked, raising her dark eyebrows at me.

“If I don’t I’ll forget it, and I don’t want to,” I told her, twirling my purple inked pen between my fingers.

Rose and I packed a bag last night while watching ‘Water For Elephants’ which kept distracting us, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we got there and realized we forgot drink and food and everything we decided to take with us. Mum and Dad had talked it over for a while, and decided to let us take their truck because it would be a lot safer than the ancient car Rose had with its half assed paintjob and terrible heating system.

“Okay, are you ready?” Rose asked, zipping her pack closed.

I snapped my journal closed and slipped it into the deep pocket of my jacket along with my pen. I pulled on a snuggly beanie and got to my feet.

“I’m ready,” I nodded.

“Thank God we aren’t going to pick up guys, you’d be sending them running away screaming,” Rose laughed, her eyes raking over me.

I rolled my eyes at her and picked up my pack.

“Honestly babe I’d rather look like an idiot than freeze to death.”

“Okay, fine that’s cool. Let’s go, I’m so PUMPED!” she grinned.

I laughed at her and scanned the room to make sure I had everything, then we slipped out of the sleep out which had been converted to the ideal teenage bedroom and into the icy morning. Rose pulled a note from her jacket and tacked it to the door to let my parents know we’d left and would be back after dinner, then we hurried to the truck that was parked in the drive, equipped with snow chains.

“Good old parents you’ve got, putting snow chains on for us,” Rose said as we climbed into the truck.

I threw my pack into the back next to hers and she turned the key, making the engine rumble to life and the heater slowly tick into gear, thankfully.

“Whistler and Blackcomb here we come!” Rose hollered, throwing the truck into reverse.

I laughed and turned up the heaters which Rose approved of with a lot of nodding. She was so strange, but she was my best friend and I loved the crap out of her. I pulled out my journal and clicked my pen, then started writing again.

We’ve left, and it’s a little before 6, which is amazing, I thought we wouldn’t get out of there until like 9 because Rose is never out of bed early, but she was up ten minutes earlier than planned, jumping on my bed screaming like a little kid on Christmas. The snow’s not too thick around here, but it’s still cold as anything. The mountains look gorgeous though, covered in all that snow, I’m so pumped to get up there and onto a set of skis. It’s a little under a two hour drive to the mountain from my home in Vancouver, but with my best friend I’m sure it won’t feel like that long.

“How do you not get car sick doing that?” Rose asked.

“How do you? It’s just writing,” I replied, slipping the journal back into my pocket.

“The last time I tried to write in the car-”

“I know, you vomited your lunch all over the back of your dad, I was there,” I said, laughing at the memory.

Rose laughed too, then stopped abruptly and turned up the radio so loud the truck started vibrating. I rose my eyebrows at her and she grinned.

“Come on babe, you’ve got to admit they’ve got killer voices,” Rose called over the music.

“Yeah they do, but no matter how good they are, they’re still going to fry my eardrums that loud,” I told her, inching the volume down so it was bearable.

“Which one’s your favourite?”

“Uh, I can’t choose,” I finally answered.

“Good little grasshopper, I’ve taught you well,” Rose grinned, patting my arm.

I rolled my eyes at her and she laughed, then started singing along terribly off key with the beautiful voices of One Direction, her favourite band, ever.

Maybe I should have got Rose singing lessons as a Christmas present, she sounds like a cat being strangled - I mean that in a nice way of course. It's been ten minutes since we pulled out of the driveway at home and there's still not a single moving vehicle on the road, apart from ours. I still can't believe I got up so early.

"I hope you're writing about how I'm the best singer ever and such an awesome friend," Rose commented.

"Oh totally," I laughed.

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