Nice Shootin, Tex. (Part 3)

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     Venkman was relentlessly chasing Slimer through the castle, constantly barraging the little spud with Particle Beams from his Proton Pack. However, no matter how fast Venkman ran or how accurate he was with his Particle Thrower, there was no slowing Slimer down. He eventually got lost in the castle. 

     "Aw, great..." Venkman thought out loud as he looked for any sort of way to get un-lost. 

     He then heard...crying? That can't be was crying, alright. Coming from a stack of pillows. Venkman walked over to the pillow stack and removed the top one, revealing a young woman with short blue hair and a metal arm. Once she realized that she was no longer hidden, she recoiled in fear.

     "DON'T HURT MEEE!!!!" She yelled in absolute terror.

     "Hey, Hey, Hey! Calm down! I'm just a guy!" Venkman quickly responded.

     The young woman opened her eyes and saw that, indeed, Venkman was just a guy.

     "Oooh...I thought you were the ghost." She said in the most innocent voice imaginable.

     "Well, I'm taking care of that. What's your name?"


    "Well, Tari, I'm Dr. Peter Venkman. I'll be taking care of that little ghost problem, okay?"


    It was then that an ear-piercing scream was heard from the other room.

    "MEGGY!" Tari quickly yelped.

    Venkman sprung into action, dashing into the next room, to see an orange-harried girl who he assumed was 'Meggy' collapsed onto the floor, covered in slime. 

     "Oh, geez. Slimer's gonna really pay for tha-"

    Before Venkman could finish his thought, Meggy suddenly sprung up, her eyes glowing green. That only meant one thing.


      Venkman quickly aimed his Particle Thrower at 'Meggy', but Tari quickly ran up and stopped him.

     "No! You might hit her!"

      'Meggy' suddenly fired 'her' Splattershot at Venkman, covering him in slime and knocking him backwards, as 'she' ran away.

      "OoooOooOoo.... THAT SPUD IS GONNA PAY!!" 

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