Chapter One

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  " ROSE: I promise. JACK: Never let go. ROSE: I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go."

Lily was watching Titanic in her basement when she heard something coming. She did not bother to change it because she thought it was her dog, but then she realized she was wrong.

"What on earth are you watching?"

It was her mother that came down. See Lily was always in love with romantic movies, but sometimes that's all she did in her spare time. Her mother told her that she needs to stop watching so many Romance movies because its just Hollywood and that's not how love works.

" I'm watching the Titanic," Lily stated. Her mother just looks at her with the most expressionless face Lily had ever seen

"And why are you watching it, I told you to cut off on the Romance movies. It's not good to be watching it all the time, some are okay, but I don't want you getting the idea that some man is coming to come and rescue you. Because darling let me tell you, that's not what happens in real life." Lily's mother explained to her for probably the hundredth time.

This time it was different for Lily, she took her mothers words into consideration. See most of the time when Lily would be watching movies, she would just ignore her mother's comments, but now she thought to her self " Is she true, what if I don't find anyone because I set my standards too high." Lily told herself that she would cut off watching so many romance movies and start focusing on herself and not wanting to be in a relationship. 

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