"No, the game's just getting started!" I quickly replied to her because that's how I felt even if the teams have played for a long time already. It doesn't matter since it's just the first quarter. Yui's not that late to not be able to witness anything. 

My eyes travelled to Koushi who was watching from outside the playing area. I smiled tenderly when I saw how focused and into it he still looked even if he wasn't playing. I'm still proud of him no matter what. 

"They should let Kou play! Let my baby play!" I shouted but I think no one heard me since many people were cheering for Shiratorizawa while I was screaming my lungs out.

"Trust the process, (yn). He'll be playing in no time," Yui reassured. 

"My eyesight's so bad. I can't focus on him too much but tell me if he's playing, okay?" I excitedly shook her body before focusing back on what's happening below. 

I screamed again when Tsukishima kept on blocking the redhead from the enemy team in the second set. I feel guilty for not watching Koushi all the time but I promise I'm really waiting for him to play so I can finally cheer for him and hopefully make my presence known. 

"Shit, shit, shit! What the fuck?! That's my baby! That's my baby serving right now!" I panicked when he finally got the chance to play. I don't even curse too much but the adrenaline is so overwhelming that I need to talk so I won't explode and pass out. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (Yn), your boyfriend's doing greaaaat!" Yui screamed when Koushi set the ball successfully to Kageyama.

"He's not my boyfriend but yeaaaaaaah!" I laughed while cheering. 


My eyes suddenly went to scan the crowd near me in hopes of finding where the familiar screech came from and my eyes almost popped out from their sockets when I saw Yachi giggling when it was Yamaguchi's turn to serve. I pursed my lips in realization and nodded to myself. I'm going to tease her about that later

I suddenly went berserk when it was Daichi's turn to serve. I widened my eyes at Yui while fervently slapping her arms.

"Your hubby!" I teased.

"Shh! Someone might hear!" she tried to surpress a smile but the blush on her cheeks gave it all away.

I couldn't keep record of the things that were happening but I got so speechless when Tsukishima blocked Ushijima's spike. A lot of people were silent for a while until we all went wild at the realization that we finally stopped our opponent we consider formidable!

If only I knew how fun watching volleyball could be, I would've ignored Koushi and Yachi's orders and just watched whenever I wanted to. I mean, they're so amazing! Karasuno's amazing! 

"They're doing so great! They scored two points in a row! What a nerve-wracking scene!" I heard someone say and I couldn't help but jump in place due to the happiness flowing through my whole system.

Fix Me Not (Sugawara Koushi X Reader) HAIKYUU FANFICTIONWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu