Ch.4 Lunchtime Fight

Start from the beginning

"I said I was sorry, alright! It was hard for me to contact you. I had more important things on my mind, I wasn't even supposed to be allowed to come back for another two years! Do you think I-" I was cut off by the impact of a fist with my eye. Pain shot through my head, my vision became blurry and soon everything went black.

Mrs. Lovelace's POV:

I happened to be walking by on my way to the teach lounge room when I heard yelling from the garden.

"I wasn't even supposed to come back for another two years! Do you think I-"

I rounded the corner just in time to see Janice punch Emilia in the face. I immediately ran over to them.

"What is going on!" I shouted.

Janice didn't react, she just stood there and stared at the unconscious body.

"Janice!" She snapped out of it and turned towards me shock written on her face.

"I-I did that..."

I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I did need to get the nurse asap.


Janice's POV:

I punched her, I wasn't thinking. It happened so fast. I don't know why I did that. I was mad at her for not writing to me because I was scared that something might have happened to her. I was scared that I had lost her permanently. That's why it hurt so much. When she came back all I could think about was the pain she put me threw. I was scared it would happen again. But now I'm the reason she's hurt, I'm the reason that were both in the principle's office waiting for my parents to get here.

"Janice! Oh my, are you okay! You got in a fight, what did you do! Oh, I'm sure it wasn't your fault. Are you hurt!"

"N-no I..." I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

"No miss, I'm afraid Janice punched our new transfer student on her first day" the principle interjected. Not only did I just punch my childhood best friend/crush, but I also destroyed all faith that my parents, teacher, and principle had in me.

"What! Janice, 你在開學的第一天就給一個新學生打了拳!你怎麼了!那個可憐的女孩一定很傷心!

Emilia's POV

Well Mrs. Akaru hasn't changed much.

"舅媽,您好" I greeted.

"Emilia? It's so good to see you! What happened to your eye! Wait Janice you did this!" Janice nodded still looking down refusing to meet her mother's eyes.

"Okay, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I would like to know what happened. Janice can you start?" the principle asked.

Janice nodded, "W-we were at lunch, I-I was mad because s- he didn't write t-to me and then she... t-tried to ex plain, but I don't want to hear s-so I-I don't know w-why I did"

"I'm sorry, I still don't understand"

"May I?" I asked.

"Oh yes, of course"

"Me and Janice were very close friend when we were younger. Four years ago my parents got into a bad accident and I had to go live with my grandparents in Taiwan. I had made a promise to write to her while I was in Taiwan, but I never did. Today she was assigned to show me around since I am in all her classes. At lunch though she told me that I didn't have to sit with her, and I asked if she didn't want me to. She said yes and went on the explain how she felt. When I tried to explain to her, well she punched me."

"Janice, you cried for days when she left and the first thing you do to her when she comes back is punch her!"

"C-can I use the restroom"

"No, you will sit here and listen-"

"Mrs. Akaru, I think your daughter should take a minute to cool off before coming back" the guidance counselor, Ms. Green said softly.

"Fine, go wash your face and calm down okay" Mrs. Akaru said, she herself calming down a little.

"Emily darling, are you okay?"

"Yes, I've dealt with worse, I was just a bit taken aback"

"Oh I'm sure you have with all that martial arts you used to do. Your dad loved to brag about how good you were- oh I'm so sorry."

"No, it's fine, I miss them but I'm okay now."

"Okay, well normally we would discuss punishments with guardians but yours' are half way across the world."

"I'm perfectly fine though, honestly it's Janice that worries me"

"Why would you say that?" The principle asked.

"Mrs. Lovelace?"

"Yes, dear"

"Could you tell them everything you know that has been happening with Janice?"

"Oh, of course"

"Can I go check on Janice"

"Yes, please do its been almost fifteen minutes" Mrs. Green said.

I left the room making my way to the girls bathroom. When I got close I heard loud crashes. I quickly walked in alarmed at the sight.

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