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Okay.... I decided to do a different kind of thing for this.

I am going to tell you guys a little bit about me. You can skip this, but this might explain some things. Maybe maybe not?

So.... I am 14. I was born on August 4th in 2006.

I am Mexican Mexican. My mom was born in the United States, but our ancestors came from Mexico. My dad is from Chihuahua Mexico. He has four other kids from his previous marriage. I am the fourth girl and by far the youngest.

I live in Granada colorado.
We are literally in the middle of no where.

I have one dog. His name is Mickey, yes like the mouse. He had a sister named minnie, but she died.

I have 10 cats. The female cat we just call momma cat. Then we have a couple male cats.
One of them we call Mr. Meanie Jr. (Long story).
Then we have two grey and white cats, one we call Cas, like Castiel from Supernatural, and the other is Cloud.
We have an orange cat we call Mr. Allergies, just because he's always sneezing.
We have three baby kitties. One of them is like black mixed with like light brown. His name is Tigger because he looks striped.
We have two all black ones too. One is named Midnight. The other is really fluffy so we call her Lucy. When she was a baby we thought she was a boy so I named her Lucifer.

I am in 8th grade. I like to think I'm smart but there are two people who will always oitsmart me.

I play volleyball. I am a setter. I want to be a libero when I get to high school. That means I'll only play the back row and get subbed out when I would rotate to the front.

I listen to every kind of music. Some of my favorite artists are
N.W.A, My Chemical Romance, Motley Crue, Control, Los Hurricanes Del Norte, Espinosa Paz, Lee Brice, Morgan Wallen.

My mom favorite NFL team in the Dallas Cowboys.

My dream colleges are Stanford, CU, Oregon, Nebraska, Arizona State, UCLA.

My favorite movie is forever Beauty and the Beast. My second would be Friday. My third would be The Dirt.

My favorite color is Red. My second favorite is Black. My third favorite is Navy Blue.

My favorite T.V. shows are Supernatural, Rick and Morty, Jersey Shore, Sponge Bob, winnie the pooh, and thomas the train.

I know you're probably thinking, the fuck? You're 14 and you're still watching shows for two years olds. Yes. I very much am.

I will forever be a kid at heart. I still sleep with my stuffed bunny that I've had since I was two for crying out loud.

Thank you if you read it. Sorry it isnt an update, but I promise I will update again soon. Love you guys


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