Chapter One (my friend is god-)

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 ((my apologies if some things seem ooc! I have made some character development in the rp so it's hard to be in character for me!

A gym, filled with various ultimates scattered across the games lying, was silent. That was until Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid slowly woke up. The last thing she had remembered is falling so she was a bit out of breath, she looked around and noticed everyone, some she remembered and others not. Kirumi was nervous but hid it inside although nobody else was awake. She silently stood and luckily, others began waking up. One by one the room filled with chatter "where are we?!"  "whats happening?!"  "I remember you!" 

 Sonia was looking around confused, immediately recognising two people, Kazuichi and Hiyoko, those two she had participated in the killing game. When she saw Hiyoko her face filled with pure confusion, knowing she was dead "h-huh????!" she blurted out, luckily it was drowned out by everyone else. Kazuichi was looking around worriedly as Hiyoko just sat down again. Sonia slowly went to approach Hiyoko but not before Kazuichi noticed her "Miss Sonia!" he called out running towards her. She sighed and looked at him "hello Soda" she greeted promptly "do you reckon thats Hiyoko or am I mistaken" she looked at Hiyoko Saionji who looked pissy. Kazuichi examined her closely "I think that is her!! But ho--"  "stop staring at me you creep!" Hiyoko yelled angerily "yep thats Hiyoko..." he sighed as Hiyoko approached them. She huffed "you look stupid as always!" she then stomped out, being the first to leave.

 Gonta looked confused, more confused than usual "u-uhm.." he looked at Kirumi, she was one of the only he recognised so he slowly walked to her "Kirumi..?" he softly said, feeling nervous because of the whole situation. She was staring at everyone else so she didn't notice Gokuhara approach, she looked up to him "ah, hello Gokuhara" she bowed a bit looking up at him "does.... Kirumi know what is happening..?" he gulped a bit, hands shaking a bit, he didn't normally react like this, possibly it could be because he had just gotten executed? She shook her head "my apologies, I do not" Tojo replied not breaking eye contact. He nodded "Gonta doesn't either..." he softly said, he walked beside her, feeling safe knowing he knew who she was in a crowd of strangers. Angie soon walked out of the crowd and noticed them, she gasped "Gonta! Kirumi!" she called out running over (she's someone I don't know how to do so i'm sorry). Angie smiled as she stopped infront of them "Long time no see Nyahaha!" she giggled looking over at them "ah, hello Yonaga" Kirumi greeted as Gonta waved to her. Angie smiled and jumped up happily "so many new people! How divine!" she clapped happily as she looked around

 People filed out, one by one, group by group. Gonta and Kirumi stayed next to each other, along with Angie "Gonta! Mom friend Kirumi! We should go explore the school!!!" Angie called out as she was already heading to the door. Gonta followed her now a lot less nervous and Kirumi followed him. They entered a mechanic place, in which Kazuichi was looking at a broken bike. A music room, a princesses lab, a bug room in which Gonta got really happy.... before Hiyoko squished a bug right infront of him, a pet room and a.... sauna?

  Meanwhile Sonia and Kazuichi had stopped half way through due to the bug room terrifying them, they ran to the stairs and sprinted up them ending up in a storage closet. Kazuichi was sweating bullets from the amount of bugs in there while Sonia had to catch her breath "a-are any following me?!?!?" Kazuichi shreiked, Sonia responded with slowly shaking her head "oh thank god..." he sighed in relief before quickly getting out of the closet "what the hell is this place? A school????" he looked around, it was, infact a school. Sonia headed out of the closet "I believe so yes..." she opened a classroom door and peeked in while Kaz walked into the cafeteria "man this gives off weird vibes" he commented as he walked through the empty hallway. Soon Kirumi and Gonta dashed through the hallways, it seemed Angie was exploring alone. They both had hope in their eyes as they bursted through the school doors...

"Mom friend Kirumi! Why don't you and Gonta look upstairs while I investigate down here more thoroughly" Angie smiled bopping up a bit, she was in the Acting Lab although nobody was the Ultimate Actor just then. Gonta nodded and looked at Kirumi "Okay! Kirumi lets go!" he smiled and took her hand, her entire hand fit in his, she nodded "of course" she began walking to the stairs calmly. Gonta smiled and let himself be lead to the stairs. On the way Gonta had a thought "maybe if we go through the doors we can get out!!!" he smiled, Kirumi nodded "its worth a try--" she was now being dragged by a sprinting Gonta. She quickly got on her feet and sprinted along, they passed Sonia and Kazuichi on the way but they didn't mind. They opened the doors and ran further a bit then looked up, a giant fence going up by a lot was visible. Kirumi's eyes widened after a period of just staring "h...huh..?" she took a step back, dazed "a-are.... we trapped here!?" Gonta opened his mouth to speak after she did, he sounded frightened "t-there has to be a gate around somewhere!" Kirumi was shaking a bit and Gonta nodded quickly with a determined look "Yeah! Kirumi has to have hope! Follow Gonta!" he still had fright in his voice but he began sprinted nevertheless, Kirumi hesitantly followed.

 Around an hour passed and they still couldn't find a gate, Kirumi ended up in the playground first, she collapsed onto her knee's in fear of another killing game. Gonta soon walked up too "no luck Kirumi?" he was staring down at the ground sadly. She shook her head scared "N-No luck...." She answered in a whispery voice "Gonta no have luck either..." he sighed. Kirumi slowly clenched her hair "ar-re we going to have to go through a-another killing game..?" she was terrified of the idea, again showing a lot of emotion to him, it seems after her execution she had changed a lot. Gonta piped his head up, now noticing her on the ground "Wha?!-  Kirumi don't think that!-" he got pretty panicky "m-my apologies... I just.... I just don't want that tradgedy to happen a-again..." she got quiet, very quiet. Gonta felt bad so he decided to do the most gentleman move he could "Kirumi could you stand up please..?" he asked as he took a few steps towards her "of course.." she replied shakily getting up. He pulled her into a hug, picking her up off the ground basically. She blanked for a bit before her face flushed partly pink, she did hug back though "t-thank you Gonta.." she really needed a hug at that moment so this made her quite happy, she placed her chin on his shoulder, relaxing. Gonta giggled happily "anything to see Kirumi happy!!!"  "well you sure did a good job of it"  Gonta smiled at Kirumi's words and they hugged for a while before Kirumi squeezed him slightly and let herself down "we should tell the other's we need another way out huh?" Tojo commented and Gonta nodded "alrighty!" he held his hand out and Kirumi put her hand in his, managing to intertwine their fingers "lets go!" Gonta exclaimed before walking back to the building, a lot happier than before.

 Hours and hours later Kirumi, Angie and Gonta are all meeting again, along with Sonia and Kaz. They all documented their findings about the building and then Angie piped up "Atua find's all of you to be enjoyable!" she smiled, Kazuichi hesitantly looked to the side "soooo who's this Atua guy you've been quoting all the time anyways-" he asked looking at her "i'm so glad you asked Soda! Atua is a god from my island!" she explained happily, Kazuichi looked interested "really? Tell more!"  "ah so you are interested! So of course!" she began explaining everything about Atua. Kazuichi looked with much interest while the others just listened. She did the brainwashing thing on every single person in that room, even Kirumi joined in because Gonta was, when she saw them she believed... 

 Mondo and Kiyotaka soon walked out of the storage closet, they hadn't left each other's sides at all since they had seen each other again. Angie once again began preaching, now with listeners "ah Taka! You have came just in time! We were just getting ready to pray to Atua!" she smiled. She once again, did the whole explain and brainwash thing to Taka, Mondo refused to be brainwashed "hmn, bro do you really believe any of this bullshit?--  bro?-" Mondo had realised Taka was staring at him "bro.... bro you're Atua! I saw you!" he squealed happily, Mondo looked so very confused "eh...? What the fuck do you mean br--"  "no swearing Atua!! I am just so happy! My friend is literally god!"  "no i'm not bro--"  "this is so amazing!!"  "bro i'm not god--"  "yes you ar--" he was cut off by Mondo kissing him, just to shut him up. Angie squealed happily "ohmygosh! You two are so cute!" (Angie says gay rights) she fangirled as Gonta watched amazed. Kirumi was away due to getting some mats but Gonta got an idea surrounding her. Sonia and Kaz also fangirled and fanboyed over them. Taka's face flushed bright red pink and he slowly kissed back, they pulled away and Taka ended up being a flustered mess. Kirumi soon came back with the mats "hm? What did I miss?" but nobody gave her an answer, Gonta simply went up to her and asked "Kirumi? May you come with Gonta?" 

((HELLLLOOOOOOOO EVERYONE! Thank you for reading my book OwO, it means a lot knowing this ship is quite unpopular! As I said this is based off of an rp so it might be a little mish mashy but eh!

another game.... (Kirumi x Gonta)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя