The Arrangement (part 17)

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Betty's POV: a few days after that we went and rented an apartment. We got furniture and everything. It was a great time. I've started realizing that Veronica didn't ruin my life, she made it better. I got an amazing best friend and I wouldn't be with Jughead

**at their apartment
Betty*comes in* Hey guys
Jughead: no ones home
Betty: oh we have the house to ourselves
Jughead: umm yeah
Betty*smirks and walks over to him* whatever will we do
Jughead*picks her up and kisses her*
Jughead*carries her to their room*

**a few hours later
Betty: Jug that was amazing
Jughead: yeah we haven't been alone in a while
Betty*snuggles up to him* I missed you
Jughead: me too *kisses her head* I'm so lucky Veronica came to town
Betty: why's that?
Jughead: well do you ever think y'all would have broke up
Betty: I don't know
Jughead: the single best moment of my life was knowing you loved me back
Betty: I will always love you *kisses him*

Alice*comes in* I'm home. Betty?
Hal: oh hey sweetie *kisses her*
Alice: Hal where's Betty?
Hal: I kicked Elizabeth out
Alice: WHAT?!?!?
Hal: shes living with that Jones boy. Actually they are all living together
Alice: who?
Hal: her and her little friends thought they could pull a fast one on me and Fred
Alice: what happened while I was gone?
Hal: Me and Fred got Betty and Archie together but they faked it. We kicked them out and now they live with the other 2
Alice: Hal how could you? Now our daughter is god knows where, we can't protect her
Hal: she'll be back
Alice: the hell she will, she's smarter and more powerful then we ever have her credit. This is not good
Hal: I have someone and they have it under control
Alice: your crazy
Hal: maybe so *walks away*

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