I looked at his face which was on my shoulder . The position was pretty awkward if I must say.

"We're here to talk Archer. Not for you to act like you want me." I muttered . He pulled away abruptly and frowned . "You're right." He looked away fiddling with his bedspread. "Go on, ask your questions." He said nonchalantly. I got up to pick my phone from his table along with my coffee which was starting to get less cold. I sipped as I opened notes.

"You didn't actually make a list, did you?" He questioned when he saw me opening notes . I flashed a smile at me and he just looked away. He was so hurtful. I cleared my throat and started.

"Why are you so sarcastic to me?" He looked at me for a moment and I held eye contact too. "I'm sarcastic with you because that's the only way you won't know what I actually feel." He looked away and acted as if he was really interested in his bedspread again. I chewed on his answer .

"What do you feel for me actually?" I mumbled afraid of how he would reply. "Pass." He deadpanned. "Oh come on, you said I could ask questions." He nodded , "Except that."

Okay, he doesn't want me to know how he feels .

"Why did you send me those texts?" I asked again. He looked at me again and made a 'not again ' face. "Well, at that moment, you seemed like you needed something to cheer you up and I decided that texting you like I cared wouldn't hurt anyone so that's that." He stood up. He was getting uncomfortable. Fast.

"Why do you wear hoods Archer?" He turned to look at me . I guess I really hit a sensitive spot . He paced around his room . "Do you really want to know?" He stormed in front of me . I winced . "Do you really want to know why I wear this hood?" I was silent . "Fine , I'll tell you anyway." He yanks down his hood revealing his face .


"It's because I'm pretty . My prettiness is a poison to people like you. An addiction. That's why you're feeling things for me." I tried to calm my racing heart and I saw him run his fingers through his hair . "Any more questions?" I couldn't reply .

His face fell and I could read his emotions for the first time . "Betty, I'm sorry . I didn't mean to burst out at you like that." He said holding my face in his hands . He caressed my cheek before realising something . He pulled away abruptly leaving me once more void of his warmth.

"You need to stop feeling things towards me." He said . Those words hit home. "Why?" I stood up and walked to him.

"Who are you to tell me what I'm to feel? I can't help it if I have feelings for you." I said finally standing in front of him . He gazed down at me as if in thought . "You don't understand." He muttered simply and left me standing there alone too. "What don't I understand? You won't let me know a goddamn thing about you! You won't let me in. You tr-"

"Are you about to get your period?" He interrupted. "Yes!"

Realising what I just said , I smacked my hand on my head ." But there's no correlation!"

He raised his eyebrows and looked to the side ." Mmhm"

"Archer, are you being honest with me?" He looked at me and smiled . "That my little munchkin, I can't tell you." He even had the audacity to poke my nose. I got frustrated. He frowned . "Okay fine, I don't want to lead you on. I don't want to have feelings for you. But maybe , just maybe, I c-"

"You can love me." I completed. And waited for his response.

"Actually , I was going to say . Maybe , I could have a salad this night." He said and my heart dropped for like the umpteenth time that day . I grabbed my phone and started to walk away . My hand brushed his and I felt him hold my hand back . His hold was gentle but firm and I liked it .

"I'm sorry." He said stiffly. "But come on , you're meant to be used to my sarcastic comments." And suddenly he became playful.

"I'm a walking enigma!" He shouted and I laughed as he made a fool of himself .

"Yes, you are!" I shouted after him and stood in front of him while he sat on his bed . He huffed out air . I waved my finger at his face , my heavy breathing calming down but the butterflies in my stomach waking up . He snatched the finger and looked at it breaking eye contact with me . He kissed my finger and I closed my eyes . I felt his lips against mine . He pressed my finger on his bottom lip and I sighed as I knew what was going to happen next . I cupped his face with my free hand and looked into his eyes , I could feel myself throb for his touch.

I leaned down and pressed my lips against his. Finally!! It felt like it was never going to happen . I was too busy excited to kiss back . So we pulled away . I leaned back and looked at his face , he was as shocked as I was but then our lips were together again. This time I did kiss back , I let out a moan and the kiss deepened. He pulled me up and I wrapped my legs on his waist . We continued to kiss and then suddenly I was in the air and I fell splat on the floor like a pancake . No major injuries though. I guess I got bruised .

"What the actual fuck?" I yelled at him . He remained unmoving as I ranted on how he threw me up in the air .

"I was testing your elasticity." He replied sarcastically


Woooooooow they finallllly kisssssed again yeahhhhhh. So yeah this is a rushed chapter .

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