
It was your turn to blush red. HOW COULD YOU NOT NOTICE?! YOU'RE ON THE VOLLEYBALL TEAM FOR GOD'S SAKE! You felt like an asshole! How could you say that in front of him. "Oh! Hahah sorry I didn't notice you! You sit in the corner and I kinda-"

"I sit in front of you."


Yuki saw your inner panic and smiled, laughing a little bit as he waved his hand. "Don't worry about it, I'm used to it. I'm forgotten a lot, but then again I don't really make an effort to be remembered." The boy said to you which was sad. "I'm sorry about that! But I'll remember you now!" You said to him looking up at him. He couldn't help but crack a smile his face red as he nodded.

You're sweet.

You're kind.


He didn't care if you remembered him or not. He liked you and a lot at that. You may not be perfect but who is? Yuki defiantly wasn't and he knew he didn't deserve you. Not in a million years. He knew you and him would never be together, not by normal means anyways.

But he'd try! He'd try his hardest to make you his. He just had to try!


It was hard to try when you were always caked up around Kenma.

Yuki sighed putting his head down at the lunch table. Not touching his food at all as he saw you and Kenma together once again. It really hurt him. "There's no chance for me..." Yuki muttered against the table getting his self esteem knocked down again.

The table seemed to be less talkative due to this new change in Kenma, you and Lev. Now Inuoka looked over to his friend seeing him slummed against the table. He poked at his head. "Yuki-San! Don't be sad!" He whined and continued to poke at his head faster.

"If she rejects you I'll date you!" Inuoka said with a smile.

Yuki almost choked on air as he shot up his face red looking over to his friend. "I-inu! That's... I don't think I..." Yuki couldn't think or form a sentence straight due to his friend dropping this bomb on him.

"Who cares if it's gay! Don't knock it until you try it!"


"What it was just a suggestion!" Inuoka said to him huffing his brown hair sticking up to the sky. As he ate his sandwich, Yuki's face looked burnt to a crisp. "I need real advice Inu." Yuki said his face calming down his blush going away. "Hmm.... Cheer up! Why are you already so down when you haven't even tried?"

"Tried what?"

The voice that interrupted their conversation was Kenma. You laid in his lap while he played and typed on his phone not even looking up from his phone. But... Yuki felt as if the male was staring into his soul. He didn't know why but the malice in his voice made his jointed lock up.

"T-tried... T-tried..."

Yuki gulped having no idea what to say. He felt so scared? Was he shaking? But why? Why this was Kenma? Kenma was just a loner much like him?

'What gives? Why is there so much hatred in his voice?'

"Tried skiing! Winter's coming up and we want to go skiing!" Inuoka said smiling like the goofball he was and extending his hands. "Skiing?! I want to go! I heard there's hot babes at the lodge!!" Yamamoto said aloud daydreaming about hot brunettes in snow caps serving him hot chocolate.

"Skiing? Interesting..." Kenma muttered seeming to dropping the subject. Everyone else now talking about skiing Kenma petted your sorta even hair as you slept in his lap. You were high off of Ecstasy again given by Kenma.

If you think I'm that stupid you're dead wrong.

I noticed you yuki.

Kenma sighed. Someone else was going to have to die. Kenma would kick himself for not noticing earlier, it seems Yuki was even more unnoticeable than Kenma himself. He noticed the first time Yuki and Inuoka had left for the cooking club. One look through his locker later it was obvious Yuki had the hots for you.

Damn... now my journal's gonna be unorganized.


There you, Kenma and your mom sat in the hospital. Roku tense and unmoving, the only signal that he was alive was the beeping of the heart monitor. His plushy puddles next to him as he breathed in softly and exhaled.

He was too afraid. To do anything.

Kenma smirked. It was so funny he almost laughed. It was funny how the brain dealt with situations. With enough, trauma, manipulation and trust you could make anyone do anything for you. He stared at Roku with a smile as you moved towards your brother.

"Roku, you can write to talk to us... remember?"

You said your eyes watering a little as you had a piece of paper and a pen for the boy. "Yeah Roku. Try writing down all your worries, and problems."

"Maybe even monsters?"

Kenma stared at the boy and he stared back. His breathing picking up as he stared at Kenma. 'Y-your the monster...' He thought shaking and terrified. Tears feel from his cheeks as he threw the pen and paper off the bed onto the floor and hid under the covers shaking.

Your mother sighed gripping her purse as her tears threatened to leave her eyelids. She turned to you and Kenma.

"If this continues... we've been thinking about putting him in a psychiatric center." Your mom said her voice shaking a little as she gripped your hand. You gripped it back squeezing your eyes shut holding back tears.

Kenma licked his lips looking at Roku with a shit eating grin. "Oh no poor Roku~"

Kenma smiled at the shaking boy. This was great for him! If he went to an asylum even if he did talk no one would believe him. He tilted his cheeks and leaned on the chair sticking out his tongue at the boy.

"Oh no."

"Poor Roku~" he repeated without a care in the world.

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