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Maira Shah - 22 years

An orphan with no one to look after her except for her nanny since childhood amma bi and her grandfather who loved Maira dearly. She has no siblings and teaches at a school due to the financial problems they are facing lately.

Ameer Khan- 30 years 

A rich and handsome man played by the fate. His wife Rania cheated him leaving him all alone with 2 little munchkins Hira who is 3 months old and Zayyan who is 3 years old. Ameer is exceptionally rich and currently his parents have shifted with him so that they can look after the kids while he is at office.


Maira was all dolled up today in tea pink lehenga, loose curls and minimal makeup why wouldn't she today her best friend was getting married. She was really happy for her best friend Rabia that she finally found her soul mate, her other half. While she was admiring the couple from far away she could hear a lady shouting and using not so good words at whoever she was angry. She moved towards the area where this commotion was taking place and was shocked to see that a lady not more than 26 years was about to slap the two year old toddler. Maira ran at time and hid the baby behind her and stopping the lady's hand. "Who are you to come in between me and this filthy kid just move from my way let me show him his place today." Maira couldn't let this happen and rather than arguing with the lady she took the baby in her arms and ran from that place she took the baby in a corner and took a look at him. The baby was too cute and the pool of tears in his eyes bought tears in Maira's eyes automatically as if they have a connection. Maira then wiped his tears and asked him "Baby what is your name tell me what happened there why was that lady after you?"

"She is my Laiba khala she says she will be mama now but i don't want her to be mama she scolds us a lot and when my sister Hira is crying she doesn't even stop her from crying. She beats me when baba is not at home i don't want her to be my mama." Maira hugged the little baby as if protecting him from the cruelness of the world. She asked him further "why don't you tell about this to your baba and where is your sister now is she with your laiba khala?" "Laiba khala said if i tell baba she will lock me in the dark room and will take baba away from me i don't have mama then baba would also leave me if i tell him. I was taking Hira with me that's why only Laiba khala got angry wait Laiba khala is not there see let's go and save my sister."  Zayyan's words were hitting her like a sword and crushing her heart into million pieces he was such a small kid for crying out loud how could a person be so cruel to such a cute baby. She went along with him and they again came to their hidden place with Hira. Maira was in awe after seeing such a cute baby, she at once lifted Hira in her arms and feel in love with her instantly. The little baby just opened her eyes and Wallah she had the most beautiful pair of eyes those grey orbs were so mesmerizing. While she was busy showering love on Hira, Zayyan caught her waist and hid behind her. She looked forward to see what made the baby this scared and saw the culprit who was the reason behind the tears of these little babies and wouldn't let them live peacefully. Laiba came forward and spatted "Hey you give the kids to me and leave." Maira now came face to face with Laiba and replied "I will only hand over the kids to their baba not to any stranger do you get it?" Saying this she started moving forward holding Zayyan with one hand while Hira in her arms but alas this lady wouldn't listen would she, Laiba grabbed Zayyan's hand and tried too drag him this got Maira crazy she turned around and without thinking anything else gave a tight slap to Laiba. "i dare you to touch these kids once again i swear to Allah i wont let you live cant you see they done want to go with you just look at the amount of torture you have given to this kid he is so scared. Because of you he thinks he will lose his baba don't you fear Allah while raising hands on such a small kid they are your own blood your sister's kid yet you do this with them?" Maira was panting heavily after seeing the unacceptable behavior of Laiba. Someone else was also witnessing the scene and was hardly controlling himself. 

Ameer Khan came forward, moved Maira and kids behind him and said "Laiba Zuhair you shouldn't be seen anywhere near my house and specially my kids or i wont hesitate in killing you. Already your sister has done enough  damage now me and my family has no relation with you leave right now." Laiba left fuming in anger. Ameer turned towards Maira who was telling baby Zayyan "Baby tell everything what your khala did with you to your baba, your baba is a great person he will protect you from all the danger and will never leave you." Saying this she was about to leave when Zayyan held her dupatta and said "Aunty please can we meet again?" Maira smiled at this "okay baby i will meet you at the park opposite this hall around 5 tomorrow okay?" saying this Maira smiled at Ameer and asked him "sir could you please allow them both to meet me tomorrow at the park?" Ameer replied "i owe you this much for saving my kids and bringing the truth infront of me thank you and yes i will bring them for the meet up tomorrow. By the way my name is Ameer Khan, this is Zayyan and this.." "is princess Hira" Maira continued "My name is Maira Shah you have such adorable kids. Its quite i would take my leave now and yeah thanks for accepting my request. See you all tomorrow Khuda Hafiz."

Bidding bye and hugging the babies she left from there. It was a beginning indeed a fresh one with all the evils out of their ways. 




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