Qalb 6 (last)

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Today it was Noor's mayun and might we add a grumpy groom could be seen sulking in the hotel room, hotel room because he was not allowed to see Noor before their marriage and this irked Zaamin. He tried to argue that they had their nikkah already so what's the use of this ritual but his mother was the first one to pack his luggage and not so sweetly kicked him out of the house so here he landed in this hotel room. Cherry on top Hooriya was getting engaged on their reception and her fiance to be was allowed to meet her and attend all the functions Zaamin just did not like this unfairness and made a mind to deal with them later. By great difficulty he had bribed Zeeniya to share atleast a picture of Noor and if possible arrange a secret meet up for them. Zeeniya agreed however there were some changes in the plan which Zaamin wasn't aware of.

Noor on the other hand, looked no less than a fairy in her yellow dress with no makeup and everyone was teasing her with Zaamin's name and last night's talk with her mother about the wedding night was already making her nervous and a natural blush was adorning her cheeks all the time. It was then late at night when Noor, Zeeniya and Hooriya decided to execute their plan. Hoor hid the camera near the wardrobe from where the whole room could be seen but was kept at such a place that one would have to come and take a close look. Zeeniya called Zaamin and asked him to get in Noor's room through the backside, then entered the main player of the game none other than the clown Mr.Hussain. Noor asked him to sit on the couch in a feminine way and pulled the dupatta over his head, sprayed her body mist and hid behind the couch from where she could easily witness the scene. Hoor and Zeeniya hid beneath the bed the plot was ready. Zaamin entered the room with great difficulty he was about to get caught twice but just for his Noor he was ready to take any risk. He saw Noor sitting on the couch and proceeded towards her, he inhaled her scent which calmed his nerves he was restless without her since so many days. He was so lost in her and went to intervene  her hand with his but as soon as he touched the hand it was so rough that he abruptly stood up and removed the dupatta from Noor which was actually Hussain's head and oh boy what a funny scene it was. Zeeniya and Hoor couldn't control their laughter and laughed out loud and then it dawned upon Zaamin that it was all along their planning and their mastermind would be non other than Mrs.Zaamin herself. Noor saw his flushed face and decided to greet him with her presence so she came out giving a high five to the other girls while Hussain was still standing at his place still with a stupid smile on his face.

Just as Hussain was about to open his mouth Zaamin glared at him and Hussain just sped away as if his butts were on fire. This made girls lose their control more and Zaamin at once marched towards Zeeniya and twisted her ear he trusted her she took so much money in exchange of this deal and this is how they play with them. Hoor somehow controlled herself and said "Wow i got a great story to narrate to your children guys" Noor started coughing badly listening to this it was now Zaamin's turn to smirk, he passed water to Noor who drank it in a go and couldn't meet Zaamin's eyes due to shyness. Just as Zaamin was about to say something to Noor there was a knock on the door and it was non other than Zaamin'sown mother who came to check whether Noor had slept or not as tomorrow was her big day and good amount of rest was important for her. Zeeniya pushed Zaamin in the balcony and asked him to leave from there only while Noor and Hoor immediately rushed to the bed acting as if they are sleeping. Zaamin having no other choice had to climb down. 

Next day came with lots of hustle and bustle and finally it was time Noor bids bye to her family and leaves with Zaamin and her phopho. Zaamin's house was just a walk away from this house so it wasn't a big deal for Noor she hardly cried and this was making others worried that wont she miss them. Noor entered in her new room with Zaamin but before he could close the door all the cousins were present their and threatened him if he didn't fulfill their demands they will share his video which they made the other day on facebook. Zaamin threw his wallet at them and they saying a thankyou, wishing good luck and winking at Noor left the room. Zaamin then took his own time gazing at Noor who looked so beautiful and mesmerizing in the wedding outfit he took her hands in his and placed a kiss on her knuckles, butterflies were dancing in Noor's stomach then Zaamin asked Noor "where is my name written in this henna?" Noor regained her confidence and asked him to fin it out on his own. After finding his name on Noor's hand he placed a kiss on her palm then started leaning towards her and asked "ijazat hai begum?" Noor shyly nodded and the stars and moons were the witness as how two different souls became each others peace and qalb.

                                                                                          THE END 





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