"I just wanted to talk about what happened yesterday. You walked into me with tears in your eyes, then once you went back to your room, Evelyn had a smile plastered on her face holding her handkerchief. What happened?" She asked me.

I look down at the ground for a second, then looked back at her with a sad look.

"I would rather not talk about it and avoid it as I can, but, I need to get it off my chest and tell someone, but you can't say anything." I tell her.

She then makes and 'X' over her heart with her finger.

I knew that I could trust her, and maybe Evelyn just needed a friend that was close to Rafe, and maybe I'm just over thinking things.

I sigh and rest the back of my hand on my forehead and looked at Barbra.

"I'm just-last night when we saw Evelyn and Danny at the diner, I got jealous, so when we heard a knock at the door last night, it was Danny talking to Evelyn about grabbing a cup of coffee, and I immediately thought the worst." I tell her pouring out my thoughts.

The heavy weight that was laying on my shoulders, was lifted when I told Barbra.

She nodded her head and listened to me vent.

"I get it toots, if I saw my best friend with my boyfriend, I would automatically think the worst as well, but I think he is trying to be friendly since they both knew Rafe and they can start a friendship between themselves." She tells me.

I smile and nod along.

"Thanks Barbra." I say and pull her into a hug, which she returned.

"No problem toots." She says.

When we pull away, we head back into the ward where our friends were.

I was happy that the nurses didn't mention anything about our absents nor did Barbra say anything.

"Well, I'm gonna go to some paperwork." I tell them grabbing my purse and cardigan.

There was multiple groans and protests about me leaving, but I looked up at them with a smile.

" I just need to file some and file some paperwork. I'll be back for supper." I tell them, then walked out the door and to the office.

Little did I know, once I left the ward, Evelyn walked into the building asking where I was.

I sigh as I finish filling out the last bit of paperwork tonight and turned my attention to the clock.

It read 7:40 P.M.

I get out of my chair and grab my purse and cardigan, putting it on.

Just after I left the building, I saw the sun starting to set. I smile thinking about how Danny and I would stay out this long to watch the sun set.

"You know I wish I could do?" I ask Danny as my gaze was glued to the sun set.

He looks at me with a questioning look.

"What's that?" He asked.

I turn my attention to him to see his beautiful brown eyes looking into mine.

Every time I look into them, I get butterflies in my stomach and my tongue turns to mush.

I blush lightly, then looked back at the pretty oranges, yellows, purples, and other colors as they blend together to make the scenery beautiful like I was living in a painting.

"I wish to watch the sun set forever and enjoy the beautiful blended colors and the light breeze against my skin." I tell him.

I could still feel his gaze on me as I turned to look back at him with a smile on my lips.

"That's an amazing wish. What about seeing up close?" He asked me.

I shrug my shoulder.

"I feel like it would make it better."
I smile at the memory that I made with Danny.


'Maybe I have some time to talk to him if he didn't go to bed yet.'

I smile at the thought and rushed to the house to get changed out of my work clothes.

Once I got home, I noticed my friends weren't back, but I didn't worry about it and got changed into a black pencil skirt and a white button-up shirt.

I took out my bobby pins and hair tie to let my hair fall to rest on my chest and down my back.

I rush out of the house and made my way over to his barracks, getting into a taxi as the driver drove me as far as he could.

I payed him, and by now, the sun already fell and the night graced us with its presence.

I walk into the quite base, only hearing my heels clicking on the concrete.

The farther I walked, I heard rustling coming from the parachute hangers.

'Maybe someone can tell me where Danny is.' I think and made my way into the curtains of hanging parachutes.

Just before I could utter a word,

I felt my hear shatter into small pieces and fall onto the ground when a parachute was pushed by the wind.

Evelyn and Danny were kissing.

Chapter 15 done!
Sorry for the long wait, like I said school, but I'll still have time to write in between. Sorry if the ending sounded rushed.

Anyways, I hope you had a great Halloween, and I hope you have a great day wherever you are!
(Word Count:1553)
I do not own 'Pearl Harbor' or its characters.

I'll always love you (A 'Pearl Harbor' fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin