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Season three - Episode one - Visitors

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Season three - Episode one - Visitors

EARLY IN THE MORNING WE HAD SOME KID FROM BURNYWOOD TURN UP ON OUR DOORSTEP ALONG WITH THEIR HEAD CARE-WORKER. There had been a fire at Burnywood so they have to stay here for a while. The care worker still despises me from my visit and the kids are still scared of me.

We all were sat in our pyjamas in the kitchen having an early breakfast.

"But why don't you know how long they're going to stay for?" Gus complained to Mike.

"Because we don't know how bad the fire was"

"I hope burnywood was burnt to bits" Liam replies

"I wish Tyler had gone up in flames too" Carmen says. Tyler was the boy who nicked all her stuff, let's just say he won't be doing anything like that whilst i'm around again.

"Carmen!" Tee exclaims

"What? If your stuff isn't glued down he will take it." She informs them "Well maybe not whist Zen is around, he's terrified of her, in fact the all are"

"That's my girl" Liam says winking and giving me a high five.

Later in the morning Rick, one of the Burnywood kids, came in to play pool with us.

"I remember you" He says looking at me

"Good" I reply "Then you must remember what i can do"

"How could i forget, your name was the most well used word when you were there people were either scared of you, jealous of you or looked at you with admiration."

"Which one were you?" I question him "I already know which one Tyler is don't I?" I look at Tyler and he glares but doesn't say anything. "I don't really remember you much to be honest so i guess you weren't one of the bad kids"

"I would say the admiration one and i like to keep out of the way in things like that. Plus how could i forget a face like yours" He smiles and i smile back for the compliment.

I look over at Liam who glares at Rick. "Well lets play" Liam says "Zenia, my girlfriend, can go first" He emphasises the girlfriend part. Ricks smile falters slightly. Liam comes over still looking at Rick when he snakes his arm around from behind me and kisses my cheek. "You got this Zen".

Lizanne, another not very memorable burnywood kid but also seemed kinda dodgy, comes in. "Can i play?"

Johnny and Franks jaws drop at the sight of the pretty girl causing me to laugh at their reactions. Gus walks up to her.

"I have Tyler, Rick and Kitty's name, i need to know yours"

Kitty always intrigued me, she always seem terrified of everything and rarely ever talks. She seem completely traumatised. I would talk to her maybe to try and help her but i think after my fights at Burnywood she's trying to avoid me.

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