“Selene, why don’t you tell us about yourself.” Janet urged slightly as she began to serve the first course. She knew Patrick was dying to know more about his daughter, but would never be so bold as to ask.

Selene looked down in her lap, “There really isn’t much to tell,” She looked over at her father, “My mother and I traveled around a lot when I was younger, until she…got sick, then I started working at the diner.”

Merrick’s head shot up, “Why were you at the bar?” Patrick also seemed intent on finding the answer to this question and leaned in over his plate.

Both men knew the seedy quality of the establishment where they had found Selene. Feeling very much on the spot Selene looked down again shaking her head, “I was confused.”

“Confused about what?” Patrick asked.

“I girl from work told me she would meet me there, but she…she didn’t—“ Selene was close to tears at the memory of the betrayal. It was stupid, she knew, but the years of being an outsider still weighed heavy on her.

“Selene,” Merrick said softly as he brushed her hot cheeks with his calloused thumbs as her held her face in his palms. “She lied to you?” Selene nodded. “She told you to meet her there but had no intention of showing up?” Selene again nodded.

“Bitch.” Patrick muttered under his breath.

Merrick turned Selene’s face so she looked into his eyes. Selene reward him with a small smile, although he cheeks still burned. Merrick dropped his hands from her face to hold her hand once more. “No one will ever do that again. I won’t let them.”

“Neither will I.” Patrick chimed in. “Never will anyone hurt you like that again.”

Janet was almost brought to tears herself but before she could say anything Diana walked into the room, “Sorry to be late.”

“Diana.” Patrick said softly, “I didn’t realize you were dinning here tonight.”

Janet looked over the younger women, her disappointment apparent, “We assumed you would be out with friends, as you are every night.”

Patrick noticed Janet’s angry tone, “But we can make room. Can’t we Janet?” Trying to smooth out the issue.

“Of course,” Janet said coolly, rising to set a place for Diana next to her across from Merrick.

Diana took her seat and looked directly over at Selene, “My name is Diana. You must be Selene. You must tell me everything about yourself, I just know were going to be great friends. I mean, my gosh, we’re practically sisters!”

Selene looked to her father for clarification, she had been told her father had no other children. Patrick cracked a half grin, “Diana is my adopted daughter, if you will. She lost her parents very young.”

“Oh,” Selene said and smiled at Diana. Selene was unsure of how to respond she had a strange feeling about Diana, like her words weren’t genuine. But she could see that her father cared deeply for the young women and, “It’s nice to meet you Diana.”

“Yes, well you must allow me to show you around the valley, I’ll admit its nothing exciting like the outside but every once and a while things get interesting. Especially with the full moon coming so soon. The dancing is well you know, I’m sure Merrick has showed you. He’s so good that I can barely stay in my own skin when I’m with him.”

Merrick could have reached across the table and strangled Diana if he thought he would get away with it. It was true he had danced with Diana, but she was easy and he had been drunk. She was beautiful but nothing compared to Selene. Patrick cleared his throat,

“She hasn’t Changed yet Diana.”

Diana smiled knowingly, “Pity.”

Selene felt embarrassed that she was so obliviously behind. She looked over at Merrick who was still glaring across the table at Diana. He was angry, she could tell. But was he angry because Diana had lied about their relationship or because she had revealed it to her? Merrick’s hand tightened on hers. He looked over at Selene,

“Don’t worry Selene, this is your moon.”

“Really?” Diana leaned in, she right index finger circling the rim of her water glass. “How exciting.”

Janet knew she had to put an end to Diana’s grilling of Selene, “Diana have you chosen your mate?”

Diana eyes narrowed at Janet, “Why no Janet. The prospects,” she said looking over at Merrick, “have been slim all a sudden. I’m sure there about to be slimmer once Patrick announces officially that Selene is his daughter. The boys will be tearing each other a part to be near her…literally.” She smiled at Merrick.

Selene felt sick inside. She didn’t want for Merrick to have to fight for her. She knew that there was a chance that he could be hurt or even die. She looked over at Janet, who had tired to help her. She needed to get out of this room. Selene stood up, “I don’t feel well. I sorry, perhaps with some fresh air I’ll—“

“I’ll take you Selene,” Merrick said standing up. “Please excuse us.”

Patrick also stood, upset that his daughter was leaving and that Merrick was taking her, “Remember your oath Merrick.”

The muscle in Merrick’s jaw flinched but he nodded and held his hand out to Selene. Selene took Merrick’s hand. She didn’t care where he took her, as long as it was away from the room, away from Diana’s questions and observations.

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