Chapter 5

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I got to her house and she was crying I said "what's wrong". She said "my boyfriend he- he tried to hit me and was flipping tables" I said "where is he?" She said "he went to the bar can I stay with you?" I said "let me call Erich I live with him". He didn't answer and I said "just come on".

I walked in and I said "babe why didn't you pick up the phone?!" He hissed at me and said "kinda busy can't you see". I scoffed and he said "where's that friend of yours and what happened. I said "she's right her and her boyfriend".

He said "glad you didn't lie". I said "can she crash here?" He said "I mean sure I guess" I said "great go head to the room and change and clean up.

I saw Erich staring at me and I hissed at him and said  "aren't you busy?" He said "sorry babe didn't mean to hiss at you like that". I said "yea it's whatever".

I said "you guys hungry still?" Erich said "no thank you babe". Ivana said "you would make a great mom" I said "thank you". Erich said "mhm not ready for kids". I said "I am!"

Erich said "no way not yet". I said "yea whatever". I went to my friends room her name was Lucy.
I said "tell me everything". She did and how he was mad and why.

I heard something drop and I said "I'll be back". I saw a glass of wine on the floor and I said "what the hell?" He said "sorry my arm just pushed it". Ivana laughed and he smiled at her and I cleaned it up and cut myself and said "Shit" and put a bandage on it and said "Lucy!" She came down and said "what?" I said "can you text my father that I'll be coming home tomorrow". Erich said "what why?" I said "you seem pretty busy"

He said "I need you to stay" I said "can't I have work tomorrow and after I'm going to my fathers" he said "you work for me?!" I said "yea Erich but not at home I'm your girlfriend at home I don't understand why I cleaned it up when I didn't do nun of it."

Erich I'm don't work for you at home I expected you to treat me like your girlfriend and not your assistant.

He's different (Erich blunt love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz