Chapter 16: Cold Tea

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"Welcome to Hotel 41, your room is number 16. Take a right and down that corridor you'll find your suite. Enjoy your stay, and feel free to talk to one of the staff if you have any queries." I said sweetly, handing a couple a card for the room door before reaching around for my necklace.

They thanked me with their smiles worth thousands of pounds.

All last night, I'd been feeling ill and queasy but, once Niall left, I'd rested and taken the tablets Cara brought me.


"So, what's going on with you and Mr Styles?" I asked her, munching on a piece of apple.

Maybe this whole healthy eating thing should include me going to the gym - hm, I'd have to ask Cara whether there were any close by.

Her cheeks became tinged with the slightest pink and she played with a strand of hair; something she only did when nervous, embarrassed, or when lying - I noticed from the fortnight and a half I'd known her.

"Harry is...sweet. We went out for a coffee a few hours ago. There were no was just us."

I smiled broadly at her, "Cute!"

She giggled and patted my knee, "What about Niall? You two seem quite close!"

I rolled my eyes and flipped onto my stomach, still munching on the apple.

"I don't know, he's good looking and all, but...I do fancy him." There, I'd said it.

I couldn't deny the static I felt when he did hug me, when I allowed him to hug me.

I could visibly see my walls coming down, and it was because I'd surrounded myself with the best possible people. I suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotions and, surprising Cara and certainly myself, wrapped my arms around Cara.

"Cara, I- I just wanted to say thank you. I don't feel like I've said it enough, but I've been so happy these few weeks."

Cara hugged me back after a beat, and it felt so soothing; so natural.

Dad had taken a lot from me - even the ability to be touched. I hated the feeling before, but now I was gradually getting used to it.

I trusted Cara.

My skin still prickled and I shivered slightly, but I held on. Cara seemed to notice me shiver and released me. "I can't believe y-"

I held up my hand, "Me too, Cara. I've never trusted anyone until now. I never let anyone touch me because I was afraid they'd hurt me in the way dad did. I'm just...adjusting, to every new emotion I'm feeling. Even hugs."

Cara smiled at me, "So how are you feeling?"

I rolled my shoulders, indifferent. "Frightened at first. It will take some getting used to, but it's progress. Thank you." I said honestly.

She grinned and made to hug me again, and this time I let her, hesitant.

"You know, I have no experience when it comes to relationships." I said, shoulders drooping.

"Me too." Cara shrugged, "You know, over protective dad and all."

I nodded, pretending to understand, but a sad thought flitted across my mind.


"Hello, Ollie!" Margaret chirped, surprisingly bright for a morning, as she carried across a tray of plates to the dining area.

It was a Tuesday, and so far no chance to speak to Niall.

It turned out I was as busy as he was, so we never did get the chance to go somewhere.

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