The stranger took her hand and pulled her over to a motorcycle. He took a helmet off the back and handed it to her. Selene shook her head 

"My name is Merrick. You're safe with me." 

His voice was strong and rough and she felt it rush along her spine. When he pushed the helmet at her and then through his long, lean leg over the bike she put on the helmet and adjusted the strap as he brought the engine to life. She awkwardly climbed on the back of the bike. One of his arms came around to pull her up against his back. His jeans rubbed against the inside of her thighs. The sensation was scary and thrilling. Her front was kept warm by his body heat while the rest of her exposed to the elements of the dark cold night as the bike took to the road, only protected by a thin sweater. 

She had her arms wrapped tightly against his abdomen and she could feel his hard muscles ripple and clench as they rode. When they finally stopped at the parking lot of a seedy motel just off the freeway, Selene wanted to protest, to demand that he take her to the room she was renting at the boarding house, but as soon as he got off the bike and removed the helmet carefully from her head; she could do nothing but take his outstretched hand to help her off the bike. He led her up to the battered door with the number four on it and unlocked it. He flicked the light and stepped back so she could enter. 

She took a step inside and he closed the door. 

The room was poorly lit by the single lamp by the side of the bed. The bed was covered by an outrageous orange colored duvet. Closet and bathroom doors were at the back of the small room and a small TV set sat on top a dresser. 

"What do they call you?" His voice from behind her sent shivers down her spine. She ran her hands up and down her arms to warm them. He came up from behind her and turned her to face him. He took her icy hands in his and brought them up to his mouth where his hot breath warmed them. When her hands were sufficiently warmed his hands cupped her face. 

She knew what he wanted and at that moment she would give him anything. 

"Selene...My name is Selene." 

"Selene." He said her name barely above a whisper and in such a way that he seemed to be tasting the sound on his tongue. "I won't hurt you. I'll keep you safe." 

"Merrick." Selene moaned. She shouldn't be here, but she needed to be loved, so badly that she would take it in the arms of this stranger. 

Merrick ran his hands down her neck and shoulders until he felt her sweater. The offending garment was keeping her skin from his touch, so he removed it. He tossed the garment on the nightstand. He leaned down, his height towered over her. She put her hand up to his face and then removed his hat. She set it on the nightstand on top of her sweater. His hair was black as sin and curled a bit because of its length. She raked her nails against his scalp. He practically purred. His eyes narrowing in pleasure. 

His hands forced her up against his body. His mouth dropped down to hers. His lips took possession of hers. She had never been kissed and now she felt as if she were being consumed. She was overwhelmed and tired to push him back to allow her some room. 

Merrick pulled back, his breath ragged and eyes like twin blue flames. "Your mine Selene, all mine. Every part of you, of your soul is bound to mine." 

For some reason his words comforted her and she allowed him close again. His lips swooped down once again and claimed her for his own. His arms tightened around her like bands of steel. He walked her backwards until the back of her legs pressed against the mattress. He skillfully worked the zipper at the back of her dress. 

Her hands ran up and down over his ribcage under his t-shirt. He stood back for a moment and without taking his eyes from hers he drew his shirt over his head offering up to her an unobstructed view of his rippling six-pack and lean muscular biceps. His chest was hairless accept for a faint dusting of hair on his lower abdomen that trailed beneath his jeans that rode low on his hips. 

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